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MomsRising Newsroom

May 11, 2022
Statement “Today’s U.S. Senate vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) is a bitter disappointment and a painful reminder of how badly out of touch Senate Republicans are with their constituents and their country.
May 9, 2022
Statement “MomsRising stands with child care providers on the Day Without Child Care today. Care work makes all other work possible. It is shameful that child care workers in our country, who do critically important work caring for our youngest children and preparing them to succeed in school, are underappreciated, undervalued, and underpaid.
May 7, 2022
News release Washington, D.C. -- MomsRising, the #CareCantWait Coalition, and 100+ allied organizations are holding the first-ever MOMibuster today, turning the tables on Congress by filibustering them to send the message that, in order to succeed, families need a care infrastructure, including: affordable child care, free pre-K, paid family and medical leave, quality maternal health care for everyone, home- and community-based services, affordable prescription drugs, and monthly Child Tax Credit checks that are fully refundable.
May 5, 2022
Media advisory For Mother’s Day this weekend, MomsRising, the #CareCantWait Coalition, and dozens of allies are organizing the first-ever MOMibuster.
May 3, 2022
Statement “Today is a painful reminder that Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) women continue to face a punishing, unjust wage gap. On average in the United States today, AANHPI women are paid just 75 cents for every dollar paid to White, non-Hispanic men. That’s shameful, but what’s even worse is that many AANHPI communities face even wider, more damaging wage gaps, with AANHPI moms facing additional wage hits. The wage gap for AANHPI women persists across occupations, education levels and geography. Action to end unfair pay is long overdue.
May 3, 2022
Statement “Abortion is legal in the United States today but if the SCOTUS opinion leaked to Politico prevails, everything – everything – will change for every woman and every family in this country. The Court seems poised to strip away our right to privacy and with it women’s autonomy and right to be free and equal members of society, our ability to make fundamental decisions about our lives, and to access the health care we need. What for 50 years has been unthinkable will become every woman’s reality.
April 25, 2022
Media advisory For Mother’s Day this year, MomsRising, the #CareCantWait Coalition, and dozens of allies are organizing something powerful and unprecedented: the first-ever MOMibuster.
April 18, 2022
Statement “Millions of working families who are struggling to put food on their tables, gas in their cars, pay the rent, and buy school supplies and clothing for their kids are nonetheless filing taxes and writing checks to the U.S. Treasury today. It’s time – past time – lawmakers require our country’s billionaires and wealthiest corporations to do the same. It’s time the wealthy pay their fair share.
April 12, 2022
Statement “Brooklyn. Sacramento. Cedar Rapids. Greenville. “A subway train. A nightclub. A street corner. A school. “No setting is safe, no community immune from the scourge of gun violence that is devastating our country.  “Our hearts break for every victim of this morning’s mass shooting at a Brooklyn subway station and all those affected by it, and for every victim of all the other shootings that occur in this country day after day after day.
April 7, 2022
Statement “America’s moms are cheering the bipartisan U.S. Senate confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve as an associate justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. This is a historic, meaningful moment that will make our highest court more reflective of our country’s rich diversity, more fair, and more just. “We welcome Jackson’s unwavering commitment to equal justice for all as the U.S. Supreme Court adjudicates issues that will shape our lives, including health care, privacy, voting rights, discrimination, policing, and more.”
