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MomsRising Newsroom

July 15, 2022
Statement “The Women’s Health Protection Act and the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act are essential legislation that will protect health and save lives in the dangerous post-Roe world the U.S. Supreme Court has created.
June 30, 2022
Statement “The U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Biden v. Texas will bring us one step closer to ending  the appalling humanitarian disaster President Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy created. It affirms the Biden administration’s authority to implement more humane immigration policies. We have never needed that more than we do now. Remain in Mexico and Title 42 are racist policies that continue to create chaos and unimaginably dangerous journeys for asylum seekers.
June 28, 2022
Statement “The deaths in San Antonio Monday were tragic, heartbreaking, and also completely avoidable. They follow the tragic deaths of 11 Haitian asylum-seekers at sea, and many other lives lost that have not been reported in the news. These deaths result from cruel, failed policies the Trump administration created – Remain in Mexico and Title 42, in particular – that remain in place because of Republican-led lawsuits. 
June 24, 2022
Statement Moms Will Fight to Restore Our Access to Abortion Care
June 23, 2022
Statement “The U.S. House of Representatives took a significant step to support maternal mental health in this country by passing the TRIUMPH for New Moms Act last night. At this time when up to one in five pregnant and postpartum mothers suffer from a maternal mental health disorder such as depression or anxiety, and the pandemic has exacerbated this crisis, we need the national task force this law would create to streamline existing programs and address maternal mental health and substance use disorders affecting new mothers. 
June 14, 2022
Statement “It took the devastating mass shootings in Buffalo, Uvalde and Tulsa to finally bring recalcitrant Republican Senators to the table. They have now agreed to some level of process for gun purchasers under age 21, federal funds to support state Red Flag laws, closing the loophole on gun sales that put dangerous weapons in the hands of domestic abusers, and other steps. Further investments in mental health services and safety must mean creating a substantial counseling, mental health support, and care infrastructure in schools and not more police interaction with students.
May 25, 2022
Statement “Oklahoma lawmakers trampled on the rights and endangered the health of women in the state by enacting a near-total ban on abortion. This law is cruel and shameful. By denying women essential health care, it will make life immeasurably more dangerous and difficult for moms and families facing unintended pregnancies. After the U.S. Supreme Court declared open season on women’s health and rights by refusing to enjoin Texas’ anti-choice law, Oklahoma lawmakers went even farther by outlawing abortion care in the state, even though Roe v.
May 24, 2022
Statement “Our hearts break for the victims, families, and everyone affected by the mass murders at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas today. News reports tell us that at least 18 children and two adults were murdered by a gun-wielding teen. Others were injured as well. It is unacceptable that so much carnage, devastation, and tragedy – too often fueled by hate – have become so common in our country. 
May 17, 2022
Statement “Our country’s child care system is on the verge of collapse and families are struggling mightily as a result. The status quo – with moms being forced out of the labor force, families unable to make ends meet, young children missing out on crucial early learning opportunities, and care workers leaving the field because of poverty-level wages– is taking a terrible toll on families, businesses, and our economy. That’s why we are so pleased that U.S.
May 16, 2022
Statement “An 18-year-old white supremacist drove for hours to a neighborhood grocery store in Buffalo, where he shot 13 people, specifically targeting Black people. Ten died. This terrorist attack was calculated and premeditated, driven by vile racism and hate. Our hearts ache for the victims and families of the Buffalo shooting and for the city itself. Our hearts break for the Black community, which once again has been targeted in a racially motivated mass shooting.
