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Childcare & Early Education

Childcare is a Public Good

November 23, 2021
“The free market works well in many different sectors, but childcare is not one of them. It does not work for the caregivers. It does not work for the parents. It does not work for the kids. And because it does not work for them, it does not work for the country."
DonaldCohen's picture

Nuestro Programa Nacional para Madres Acaba de Empezar

November 18, 2021
Este es un momento monumental para los problemas de la primera infancia por los que hemos estado defendiendo en MomsRising/MamásConPoder. Al momento de escribir este artículo, el paquete Build Back Better está avanzando en el Congreso, que incluye cuidado infantil asequible y prekínder universal...
Diana Limongi's picture
Baked pie with the words Child Care Now carved into the top crust

Help Us Get a Historic Child Care Win

November 18, 2021
What exactly would victory look like for childcare? The passage of the Build Back Together package means lower child care costs, guaranteed high-quality child care choices, raising the wages of early educators and...
MomsRising's picture

Estimado Congreso: ¿Necesitas más razones para construir una infraestructura de atención AHORA? Lee esto.

November 18, 2021
En nuestro Libro de Historias de la Economía del Cuidado 2021 , hemos capturado historias poderosas y conmovedoras de familias de todo el país que ilustran cómo nuestra Infraestructura de cuidado inadecuada perjudica a las familias, las empresas y nuestra economía. La construcción de una...
MomsRising's picture

The RISERS National Parent Fellowship  

November 15, 2021
The RISERS National Fellowship parent leadership program focuses on early childhood issues such as child care and maternal health. The 20 RISERS Fellows who will take part in the inaugural RISERS cohort represent 15 states. This group includes extraordinary parents and leaders from all walks of life who represent the diversity in the United States.
Diana Limongi's picture

Brand New Breaking Through Episode: Building Back Better NOW!

November 10, 2021
With special guests Ai-jen Poo, Elizabeth Keenan, Monifa Bandele and Laura Guerra-Cardus.
Jacqueline Jackson's picture

Brand New Breaking Through Episode: Building Power #CareCantWait!

October 25, 2021
On the radio show this week we cover Juvenile Justice Month and the importance of getting police OUT of schools and counselors IN schools. Special guests include: Essence-Jade Gatheright, Chicago Freedom Schoo; Donna Norton, MomsRising; Fatima Goss Graves, National Women’s Law Center; and Dawn Huckelbridge, Paid Leave for All.
Amber Dorsey's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, October 22, 2021

October 22, 2021
It’s go time! Congress is negotiating now to decide what will be in the care infrastructure package that they hope to pass within weeks. We need to keep the pressure on!
Sue Anne Reed's picture

PowerUp & Build Back Better with Care Rally

October 20, 2021
Rally time for the Build Back Better plan! Click for details, plus the live stream link!
Selina Maldonado's picture
