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Childcare & Early Education

We Are MomsRising
Woman standing next to person dressed as the Build Back Better Bill

I Shared My Story at the Grandmas Unite Rally.

December 9, 2021
The monthly Child Tax Credit payments have been a huge relief. We’ve finally been able to get out of the vicious cycle of struggling to choose between food, medicine and bills. I was even able to buy a used vehicle so we could access resources and I could look for jobs.
Mary Beth Cochran's picture

How Nixon Made Today’s Child Care Crisis Possible

December 8, 2021
If it hadn’t been for former Republican President Richard Nixon, families like ours likely wouldn’t be struggling to afford and find child care. Full stop. December 10th is the 50th anniversary of Nixon's veto on Universal Child Care, also known as the Comprehensive Child Development Act of 1971, that would have implemented a multibillion-dollar national child care system that passed both houses of Congress with bipartisan majorities.
Nina Perez's picture
A woman lovingly holds a little boy

Ayúdanos A Lograr Una Victoria De Cuidado Infantil

December 8, 2021
El paquete bipartidista Build Back Better ya fue aprobado en la Cámara de Representantes, ¡lo que es una muy buena noticia! Sin embargo, Build Back Better ahora va al Senado … es por eso que debemos continuar la presión -- Necesitamos TU AYUDA y tus acciones son esenciales para decirle al Congreso...
Mamas Con Poder's picture
Elderly woman in a wheelchair wagging her finger with the text "Everyone Deserves Care Grandmas Unite"

RSVP to Support Grandmothers Fighting for Build Back Better!

December 8, 2021
Grandmothers have been stepping up in a big way to fill in gaps in care for grandkids and other members of the family during the pandemic. They know first hand how the policies in the Build Back Better Act will help their families, businesses, and the economy. That’s why, this Thursday, December 9, at 12 noon, grandmothers will be heading to the U.S. Capitol to take the lead in urging Congress to vote YES on the Build Back Better Act.
MomsRising's picture
Take Action
Woman sitting at a table with a child playing wit a building toy.

There’s No Time to Wait

December 3, 2021
We need paid family/medical leave in the Build Back Better Act. There are only 6 days left in the Congressional calendar before the Senate leaves town for the year. They must get this done now.
MomsRising's picture

Don’t Let the Senate Push Out Paid Family/Medical Leave!

November 24, 2021
There are just seven legislative days left on the Senate calendar before the end of the year. Act now and urge your U.S. Senators to act quickly to pass the BBB Act, including paid family/medical leave, before the end of the year.
MomsRising's picture

Childcare is a Public Good

November 23, 2021
“The free market works well in many different sectors, but childcare is not one of them. It does not work for the caregivers. It does not work for the parents. It does not work for the kids. And because it does not work for them, it does not work for the country."
DonaldCohen's picture

Nuestro Programa Nacional para Madres Acaba de Empezar

November 18, 2021
Este es un momento monumental para los problemas de la primera infancia por los que hemos estado defendiendo en MomsRising/MamásConPoder. Al momento de escribir este artículo, el paquete Build Back Better está avanzando en el Congreso, que incluye cuidado infantil asequible y prekínder universal...
Diana Limongi's picture
Baked pie with the words Child Care Now carved into the top crust

Help Us Get a Historic Child Care Win

November 18, 2021
What exactly would victory look like for childcare? The passage of the Build Back Together package means lower child care costs, guaranteed high-quality child care choices, raising the wages of early educators and...
MomsRising's picture

Estimado Congreso: ¿Necesitas más razones para construir una infraestructura de atención AHORA? Lee esto.

November 18, 2021
En nuestro Libro de Historias de la Economía del Cuidado 2021 , hemos capturado historias poderosas y conmovedoras de familias de todo el país que ilustran cómo nuestra Infraestructura de cuidado inadecuada perjudica a las familias, las empresas y nuestra economía. La construcción de una...
MomsRising's picture
