On the radio show this week we cover Juvenile Justice Month and the importance of getting police OUT of schools and counselors IN schools. Special guests include: Essence-Jade Gatheright, Chicago Freedom Schoo; Donna Norton, MomsRising; Fatima Goss Graves, National Women’s Law Center; and Dawn Huckelbridge, Paid Leave for All.
It’s go time! Congress is negotiating now to decide what will be in the care infrastructure package that they hope to pass within weeks. We need to keep the pressure on!
AHORA es el momento de unirnos en apoyo de Build Back Better con otros defensores, miembros del Congreso y líderes, personas que comparten nuestra visión. ¡TE NECESITAMOS! CUÁNDO : Jueves 21 de octubre de 2021 a las 12:30 pm ET - 2:30 pm ET DÓNDE: Union Square en el lado oeste de la ley del...
We should not have to choose between our paycheck and our family. This is urgent. Tell Congress to prioritize women and families and pass President Biden's Build Back Better plan.
MomsRising super dad Nicholas Knight shared his family's child care story at the U.S. Treasury - giving voice to what so many families across our nation have experienced. Read his remarks and tell us your experiences with child care as we fight to ensure child care and pre-k for all becomes a reality.
We have some super EXCITING news. Child Care and Pre-K have passed the U.S. House of Representatives - which is HUGE! But this movement in the House is just the first step. It’s critical that the U.S. Senate and all of Congress continue to advance child care and early learning. Here are some actions you can take right now.