Melissa Cote is a freelance writer, community organizer, and passionate disability rights advocate. Melissa lives in the great state of New Hampshire with her husband Shawn and their two daughters. Leading and living with light and love.
Blog Post List

October 14, 2023
People with disabilities make up the largest minority group in this country. Over 50 million humans live with at least one disability. In our home, each member of our beautiful family lives with a disability. Unfortunately, this country has a lot to learn. Our nation is grossly uneducated and misinformed about disability. Stereotypes, bias, discrimination, and ableism run rampant in our world. Disabled people are forced to advocate for basic human rights, literally every day. It’s exhausting and honestly, it takes more spoons than most of us have. Access. Equality. Inclusion. Dignity. Respect...

October 10, 2023
Eleven years ago, my youngest child, {Z} came rushing into this world like nothing I had ever seen. I wasn’t shocked. I had a feeling she would grace us early. I knew, a mother always knows. I was a high-risk pregnancy, with both of my girls. Unfortunately, signs were missed by my OB and their medical team. Big signs. Signs that could have made a huge difference for my family. To be honest, these missed signs created the trajectory that we are on today and it’s one that not only affects my family, but that of society. You see, some disabilties can be prevented. Especially if the signs are not...

September 22, 2023
This world is made up of beautiful beings. I know this because l am helping to raise some of the very best. My name is Melissa. Together, my husband Shawn and I are raising two amazingly awesome kids. Our kids are gifted, intelligent, artistic, and funny. We are a neurodivergent (autism+adhd) household. We rock the entire spectrum up in this house. We embrace and celebrate our uniqueness. Accepting and loving one another, for exactly who we are. As for me, I am many things to many people. Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Writer, Artist ... Disability Advocate. That last one is something I...