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When Halloween is over, moms of black boys will still be afraid

October 28, 2016
Halloween is a scary day — not only because of the monsters, zombies and ghosts lurking around every corner, but also because of every parent’s fear for the safety of their kids. We worry about everything from car accidents to child predators. But as parents of children of color, at times...
Esperanza Dodge's picture

What's in the Halloween makeup?

October 26, 2016
An Ice Wizard. That’s what my son wants to be for Halloween this year. And I’m glad. Homemade costumes are the most fun, and a quick internet search helped me see exactly which video game character he had in mind. Brown shirt, blue pants, blue fabric as a belt–it all seemed easy enough until we got...
BethM's picture

Early voting has opened in NC! Get all your voting info here.

October 20, 2016
It's ON, North Carolina. After an election season unlike any we've ever seen before, it's your turn to have the final say when you head to the voting booth. Early voting locations are open for you to cast your ballot now. It's time to own our power! Early voting opened in North Carolina on Thursday...
BethM's picture

Teach Them Compassion

October 20, 2016
In this age of excessive access to social media and instantaneous coverage of hyperbole rhetoric for the sake of ratings and followers, our children are constantly exposed to raw rantings. This influences their thoughts, emotions and perception of those around them. As a Muslim mother with a young...
Jehanara Haider's picture

Let’s Get Our Kids Outside – The Power of Outdoor Time in Learning

October 19, 2016
The first time I realized the power of nature and outdoor time for children was when my daughter was just 6 weeks old. We were having an especially difficult afternoon. I felt like I had been holding her for hours while she cried and I couldn’t get her to calm down. Finally, I walked out our back...
Kate Irish's picture

Protect mothers' rights to breastfeed!

October 18, 2016
No mother should ever be shamed, humiliated, or harassed while breastfeeding her baby! Unfortunately, recently, two mothers were asked to stop breastfeeding their babies in North Carolina courtrooms; one by a judge , one by a law enforcement officer . Breastfeeding in public, and that includes...
Tina Sherman's picture

Don’t just Get Out The Vote - GOURD Out The Vote with Electoral Pumpkins!

October 18, 2016
Does this election season have you stressed out? I’ve got a solution for you! Let’s Gourd Out The Vote and carve some electoral pumpkins! What the what? What is “Gourd Out the Vote” and what is an electoral pumpkin? A weird band? A polling firm? Nope! Gourd out the vote is a seasonal play on “get...
Ruth Martin's picture

Let's use our outside voices for PE in NC!

October 11, 2016
As many of you know, North Carolina is in the process of creating its accountability plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). ESSA emphasizes a well-rounded education, prioritizing physical and mental health. We need to tell state education leaders that PE should be included in North...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Tell NC public school leaders: Our kids need PE!

October 5, 2016
“Our class did not get good grades and I think it’s because we didn’t get enough exercise.” ~ Ethan Last year, while my son, Ethan, was in the third grade at a Wake County school, he got just 15 minutes of recess each day, and PE only once or twice a week. It ended up being the hardest school year...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Meetup with MomsRising in Durham!

October 3, 2016
MomsRising has over a million members nationwide, and over 40,000 in North Carolina! While it's great (and powerful!) to come together online, sometimes you just want to have the chance to get to know each other in person and talk about the issues affecting families in your own community. That's...
Felicia Burnett's picture
