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Maternal Justice

Birth Equity: Start by Supporting and Respecting Doulas

June 12, 2018
Every year at this time we celebrate mothers and fathers for the important role they play in supporting our families. And yet as a society we don’t do enough to truly help mothers who face unique challenges on the road to birthing and raising children. Between 700 and 1200 mothers die during...
Jeretha McKinley's picture

March for Moms Reflection

May 15, 2018
This was MomsRising’s second year as a co-sponsoring organization of March for Moms, an event that brings together organizations, experts and activists from around the nation to converge in Washington DC to uplift our nations maternal mortality and morbidity crisis. Out of all the developing...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
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Tune in to this week's #RisersRadio Show: #LiftingOurNation

May 14, 2018
On the radio show this week we cover how people are getting information and what it means to have changing mediums; the new #KeepMarching book; what’s going on in immigration policy and how you can help; the latest on protecting kids electronic data and a report from the USOW; and why decreasing...
Kristin's picture

A Mother's Day reflection on the legacy of lynching

May 11, 2018
As Mother’s Day approaches, I’ve found myself reflecting on the trip I took last month to the National Memorial for Peace and Justice and the Legacy Museum in Montgomery, Alabama – both brainchildren of the brilliant civil rights attorney, Bryan Stevenson, the founder and...
Jody Kent Lavy's picture

Share Your Birth Story With MomsRising!

May 11, 2018
We need your voice! Click here to s hare your birth/maternal story with us or share the story of someone you love! Everyone who becomes pregnant or gives birth should have access to a safe, healthy, and respectful experience. Access to health insurance and quality, equitable health care are a...
Nadia's picture

Troubling Disparities in Maternal Health Costs Lives

May 4, 2018
A Maternal Justice chat discussing black women's maternal health with healthcare providers and birth workers who are addressing the troubling disparities that cost lives. Troubling Disparities in Maternal Health Costs Lives #MaternalJustice
Tasmiha Khan's picture
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Moving Forward with Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner on #RisersRadio

April 9, 2018
On the RADIO show this week we cover Trump’s dangerous move to increase the detention of pregnant women; the victory of ending the practice of shackling women in prison during labor and what more needs to be done; advancing #CounselorsNotCops in New York State; and how to speak to children and...
Kristin's picture

#5Actions of the Week: April 7, 2018

April 7, 2018
Were you able to join our incredible Town Hall meeting with Senator Elizabeth Warren on Thursday night? We couldn't be more excited to move into this next election season with some exciting plans and a firm commitment to helping parents get to the polls! Don't worry if you missed it - there's lots...
Karen Showalter's picture

How Midwifery Can Help Improve Maternal Mortality Rates

April 4, 2018
Check out MomsRising's Anayah Rose , certified nurse-midwife talk to correspondent Jacque Reid of Tom Joyner Radio for this "Inside Her Story" program about how midwifery can help improve maternal mortality rates for Black mothers.
Tasmiha Khan's picture

NATIONAL DAY of ACTION for #StephonClark in Sacramento!

April 3, 2018
It’s been two weeks since Stephon Clark, a father of two, was killed by Sacramento police officers. Unarmed, in his grandmother’s backyard, Stephon was shot twenty times most of which were from the back. Yet again, another senseless killing of a man at the hands of those sworn to protect them. His...
Diarra Diouf's picture
