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Health Care

Because You Stood Up for Sophie

December 23, 2009
Thanks for standing up for Sophie and all the other children in need of healthcare reform. Over the weekend, a number of last minute improvements on children's health coverage were made to the Senate health bill because of the amazing efforts of MomsRising members and other great advocates for...
Donna's picture

Health Insurance Age Rating = Corporate Welfare

December 21, 2009
Age discrimination in the form of age rating, the practice of allowing private insurers to charge people higher premiums solely based on age, is wrong. And Congress is buying the false argument from the insurance companies that without age rating, insurance will be too expensive for younger people...

Sen. Murray Replies Via Video to MomsRising Members!

December 21, 2009
You asked, she answered! Last month, we collected your questions on health reform for Senator Patty Murray. Senator Murray responded personally to MomsRising members, creating her video response that you can see right here: We're grateful that Senator Murray took time out to speak directly with us...
Anita's picture

Weekly Round Up

December 21, 2009
Here is the round up for this week. A lot of interesting articles and concern for food safety, which is good. Remember, to receive articles and food safety information and recalls sign up for our S.T.O.P. E-alerts . Have a great weekend! 26,500 school cafeterias lack required inspections USA Today...

Choosing Safer Strawberries: Battle Heats Up Over New Cancer-Causing Pesticide

December 14, 2009
There’s nothing quite like a fresh, juicy strawberry. What many people don’t know is that some of the nastiest pesticides are used in strawberry fields, and the powers-that-be in California are considering a pesticide that's such a "good" carcinogen it's often used in cancer experiments in the lab.
Kristin Schafer's picture

Weekly Round Up

December 4, 2009
I hope you all had a good week. We’ve been hustling and bustling over here at S.T.O.P. but we still wanted to give you a heads up on the interesting stories regarding food safety this week. Here are some articles and blog posts that caught our attention. Remember to sign up for our free S.T.O.P. E-...

Birthing doesn't happen without a push!

December 4, 2009
Health reform is in the birthing process and we need a strong push for kids! Right now, there's an important debate happening in the U.S. Senate about children's health coverage and we must make sure that our kids are represented. Tell your Senators to co-sponsor and/or support the Casey CHIP...

Linda: A Victim of Foodborne Illness

December 3, 2009
We have been very busy these past few weeks at S.T.O.P. - traveling, fund raising, educating and advocating- all in order to help protect our nation’s food supply. In spite of all this activity, I never forget why I do this: to prevent people getting sick from devastating foodborne illnesses that...

How Would Ebenezer Scrooge Vote?

December 2, 2009
I admit it. With the grim news that one in four U.S. children are on the brink of hunger [1], that an estimated 5 million children are without healthcare today [2], and that 14,000 Americans are losing their healthcare every day [3], I'm tempted to retreat into the familiar comfort of eggnog and...
Donna's picture

Making Room for Everyone at the Health Reform Table

November 25, 2009
The reality is that as we come closer to the passage of health reform, many immigrants are going to be left out. In the face of this situation, health reform and immigrant rights groups came together to do a big push to highlight the inequities and injustice of how immigrants are being treated. Two...
