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Health Care

If you give a mouse a Prozac...

April 9, 2010
For six years, I "balanced" a demanding job, a commute, and raising young children. All things considered, I thought I was managing really well until just before my last child turned one year old. Then, the stress and exhaustion I'd been holding at bay engulfed me. I could barely get out of bed, or eat, or think.
Katrina Alcorn's picture

Cancer: Removing the barriers to health equity

April 6, 2010
I’m Linda Blount, mother of two and National Vice President of Health Disparities for the American Cancer Society. Health equity is my passion. We live in a country that spends more on healthcare than any other country. Yet, despite the $2 trillion spent on healthcare last year, there are many...

Study: Breastfeeding Saves Lives, Money

April 6, 2010
Since breastfeeding is a hot-button issue around these parts, I thought I would share with you the latest study to appear in the Journal of Pediatrics. Basically, it just put a number and dollar amount on the lives that would be saved if 90 percent of mothers in the United States breastfed their...
Elisa Batista's picture

Stay Vigilant: Health Reform Battles Lie Ahead

April 2, 2010
With the entire nation buzzing over President Obama's historic health care victory, many Americans are trying to understand how this new law will affect their everyday lives. For some of our nation's most vulnerable children with special health care needs, President Obama has announced that,...
Bruce Lesley's picture

Michelle Obama: "It doesn't have to be this way"

April 2, 2010
"Many folks don't have access to any kind of family leave policies whatsoever, no flexible working arrangements, many people don't even have a paid sick day. So they are struggling…scrambling to make things work…As we all know, here today, it just doesn't have to be that way. It doesn't have to be...

Food Dyes and Children's Behavior

March 25, 2010
By Michael F. Jacobson, Executive Director Center for Science in the Public Interest A lot of parents notice that the foods our kids eat affect their behavior. Some of those effects are subtle, some less so. Most dads and moms know that sugar and caffeine can have a dramatic impact on behavior, but...
Mike Jacobson's picture

What Does Obama’s Health Reform Mean for You?

March 24, 2010
New America Media, Q&A with Ellen Wu, Aaron Glantz, Posted: Mar 24, 2010 // Editor’s Note: The health reform legislation signed yesterday by President Obama is a “really big win for communities of color,” according to Ellen Wu, MPH, executive director of the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network...
Ellen Wu's picture

Working Moms on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

March 24, 2010
My friend Jane has a problem. She works full-time for a government agency in California and has two little girls in preschool. Jane is really good at her job. Jane is losing her mind.
Katrina Alcorn's picture

Health, Nutrition, and Obesity: Actions for Healthy Living

March 23, 2010
On February 24, I attended California Governor Schwarzenegger's Summit on Health, Nutrition, and Obesity: Actions for a Healthy Living, with special guest President Bill Clinton. At the Summit the Governor described his platform for fighting obesity and promoting a healthier California: Restricting...
Ellen Wu's picture

UPDATED: Waffles shouldn't be on the menu today: Loretta Sanchez needs to stand up for families on healthcare now

March 21, 2010
UPDATE: Last night health reform passed the House. Representative Loretta Sanchez voted YES. Interested in what passage of this bill means for you and your family? Here's a terrific, interactive article from the New York Times today, titled, " How The Healthcare Overhaul Could Affect You" . One big...
Kristin's picture
