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Childcare & Early Education

A Budget That A Mother Could Love

May 17, 2010
What’s stinkier than a poopy diaper, bigger than a pile of laundry, deeper than a sink full of dirty dishes? It’s the Illinois budget mess and it’s growing by the minute. In fact, the fiscal woes we’re facing here in the Land of Lincoln are said to be among the worst in the nation. But, what’s even...

A Quiet Revolution Among Our Men

April 26, 2010
The other day, my husband apologized profusely for being unable to take the kids to swim class. "I can do it twice next week," he offered. I assured him it wasn't necessary, that it all evens out at the end...wait a minute. As you all know, driving the kids around to various activities is, in...
Elisa Batista's picture

Closing the Achievement Gap

April 19, 2010
This year, a number of changes are planned by the Obama Administration, the Department of Education, the National Governors Association, the Council of Chief State School Officers and others to address the achievement gap in the United States , a gap that begins before children even enter school...

Take Foreign Language Out of the Doghouse

April 16, 2010
“Thousands of public schools stopped teaching foreign languages in the last decade, according to a government-financed survey — dismal news for a nation that needs more linguists to conduct its global business and diplomacy.” So starts a recent NY Times piece. It goes on to say only Chinese...
Homa Tavangar's picture

What Can Our Schools Learn from the Finns?

April 9, 2010
This six-minute BBC clip (BBC Finland\'s Education Success) contains some serious gems gained from learning about what makes some country’s education systems outstanding and why America’s schools have been dropping in global rankings. Finland’s children have consistently performed at the top of...
Homa Tavangar's picture

Safety First with Open-Flexible Work

April 5, 2010
You might be wondering what safety has to do with Open-Flexible work. How about the safety of your children? I personally realized this safety issue when I picked up my daughter’s friend for a scheduled play date. My daughter’s friend went home directly after school since her mother could not...

When Holidays Converge – A Teachable Moment

April 5, 2010
I breathe a sigh of relief today as my children return to school from Spring Break and our routines resume. Before the hectic pace kicks in, though, it’s worth considering the confluence of events that just took place. President Obama’s weekly address to the nation recognized this – “to call on people of all faiths and nonbelievers to remember our shared spirit of humanity.
Homa Tavangar's picture

Every Child Deserves the World

March 29, 2010
There’s a school just outside L.A., where all the students are classified as “poor.” Until a few years ago, the school’s location was considered part of a gang’s territory, with a violent history. Crossing the line to get to the Vaughn school meant you were taking your life into your own hands. But...
Homa Tavangar's picture

A Step Forward In Food Safety

March 18, 2010
Each year approximately 87 million Americans -- 5 million in New York alone -- are made ill by contaminated food. Of those, 371,000 are hospitalized with foodborne illness, and 5,700 die. In 2010 America, this is simply unacceptable. The fact is, our food safety laws have not truly been overhauled...
Kirsten Gillibrand's picture

Mothers Snowed Under

March 13, 2010
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Would you believe me if I told you that a major snowstorm affects the lives of men and women differently? Could I convince you that there is a gender difference, even in the weather? Let me...
Valerie Young's picture
