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Childcare & Early Education

Why I Support the DREAM Act

October 29, 2010
My dreams for my children since they were in the womb have been that they would receive a good education and use their talents to be of service to humanity. So it came to be. They are now businessmen contributing to society with jobs and services that help grow our economy. They are husbands and...
Luz Villafana's picture

Majority of Voters Support Workplace Flexibility, Job Quality and Family Support Policies

October 29, 2010
by Robert Drago and Jeffrey Hayes New data collected for the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) by Precision Opinion finds widespread support across party lines, gender, race and ethnicity for policies that will assist working families and protect workers’ rights, especially for low...
Robert Drago's picture

ELECTION 2010: Governor Schwarzenegger's Legacy--Successful “welfare to work” program to ineffective “work to welfare program”

October 28, 2010
The lives of low-income working mothers and children are hanging in the balance with California Governor’s economically irresponsible and morally reprehensible line-item veto to eliminate the Stage 3 child care program . Despite having a bi-partisan “hand shake deal” that would have protected child...

"School Reform" Manifesto: The Reality Check

October 25, 2010
Last week the Corporate Model School Reformers issued a manifesto. Like most manifestos, it’s simple and slick … and wrong.
Lily Eskelsen's picture

"Banging Little Body" and "Tight Little Butt"- Must Women Running for Office Put Up With This?

October 18, 2010
Wonder why we’ll likely have fewer women in Congress after the November elections than we’ve had in the last three decades? [1] Well, one reason might just be because the current women running for office are too often subjected to outrageous sexist comments from media pundits and commentators--...
Kristin's picture

Leading the Way: Unions as Family-Friendly Employers

October 15, 2010
We know the value of unions to working Americans: unionized workers make more money, have more access to pensions, receive better health insurance, and have safer workplaces. Less known but equally critical is that unionized workers also receive more generous family-friendly benefits – union...

Chicago Sit-in for an Elementary School Library

October 12, 2010
Sometimes it's easy to forget that I live in a world of relative privilege. No, I'm not a millionaire or getting ready to jet off to any exotic location for the holidays (though I did see some interesting "wildlife" in South Beach while attending a recent conference !). In my suburban neighborhood...
PunditMom's picture

Share Your Story on 10.10.10 - One Day on Earth

October 6, 2010
Imagine what it’s like when musicians from disparate countries, playing diverse instruments, dedicated to different genres come together on one stage, having never met each other before. Initially the collaboration produces dissonance, but among skilled practitioners dedicated to their craft,...
Homa Tavangar's picture

Here's our chance to make school lunches awesome (not awful)

September 28, 2010
We’ve been talking about about the sad state of school lunches for years. But now we finally have a chance to start making school lunches more nutritious and more accessible. The U.S. Senate recently passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which is an update of the Child Nutrition Act. Now, to...
Sarah Francis's picture

To The Contrary, John Boland: Women's Shows Shouldn't Be Canceled

September 27, 2010
There's a party in my car every morning on the way to pre-school and childcare. We turn up "Dancing Queen," boogie under our seatbelts and make up words as we go along. It's the easiest way to get my two little ones excited about climbing into their carseats. After the drop offs, I say goodbye to...
Anita's picture
