The membership of MomsRising, which is currently over a million strong, is continuing to grow and includes people in every state in our nation.

MomsRising is making important policy gains for women and families at the city, state, and federal levels. (Scroll down this page to see details.)

MomsRising has an estimated reach to a blog and social media audience of over 5 million, including over 3000 MomsRising bloggers, and a Breaking Through radio program that airs online and on stations across the country.
MomsRising has a robust MomsVote and Be a Voter, Raise a Voter program that reaches moms and their children to help increase voter turnout.
Moms are a powerful force!
Sometimes it’s hard to see the many ways that small actions like signing a petition, sharing your personal experience, making a call, attending a local meeting, or playing a MomsVote debate game on social media add up over time and make a big difference.
They do. Because we are MomsRising together.
Your everyday actions add up to inspiring victories for moms and families year after year. We've had big wins every single one of the last decade and beyond because the voices of moms, dads, caregivers and everyday people are powerful when we raise them together.
Top 10 campaign wins of 2019
We are thrilled to share that by running a strategic, focused multi-organization campaign, the Families Belong Together Corporate Accountability Committee, chaired by MomsRising, has had nine wins (Wells Fargo Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, SunTrust, U.S. Bank, BNP Paribas, Fifth Third Bank, Barclays, and PNC) in our campaign to stop bank financing of private prisons. Together our nine bank wins represent an estimated $2.35 billion, or 87.4% of the known financing available to the biggest private prison companies, CoreCivic and GEO Group.
In February 2019, MomsRising became part of the official Congressional record on equal pay and family economic security when MomsRising CEO/Executive Director Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner testified on the Paycheck Fairness Act at a joint hearing before the House Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Services and the House Subcommittee on Workforce Protections.
MomsRising pushed forward equal pay by increasing MOMentum for legislation like the Paycheck Fairness Act and the Raise the Wage Act, which both passed the US House of Representatives and have been moving forward in states as well.
MomsRising was also invited to testify in front of the Joint Economic Committee of the US Senate and US House on Making It More Affordable To Raise A Family in September 2019. The testimony can be read here.
Additionally, on Equal Pay Day 2019, more than 40 local business owners in 12 states participated in events around Equal Pay Day coordinated by MomsRising and the Main Street Alliance to raise awareness about the gender pay gap in the United States and to call for policies, such as a national paid family and medical leave program, to address this gap. At least 19,000 customers on-the-ground directly interacted with our materials.
MomsRising mobilized support for the Raise the Wage Act, which hikes the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. In July, it passed the U.S. House.
MomsRising led the way in making major advances toward a strong federal paid family and medical leave policy--and is making advances in states as well. We won a HUGE step forward with the passage of 12 weeks of paid parental leave for approximately two million federal workers as part of the National Defense Authorization Act! MomsRising is thrilled that millions more working people will soon have paid parental leave to care for new or newly adopted babies.
To be clear, this is just a start: Working people need much more than paid parental leave, they need paid family and medical leave. Three in four workers in this country who take leave do so to address their own serious medical conditions or those of family members, and this measure will do nothing to support them. Federal workers, like all working people, need comprehensive paid family and medical leave. Congress and the Trump administration should follow up this advance with immediate passage of the FAMILY (Family And Medical Insurance Leave) Act, the only bipartisan paid leave proposal in Congress that would cover all workers -- and we will keep fighting and keep RISING to win!
On Jan. 7, Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam granted clemency to Cyntoia Brown, a victim of sex trafficking who was unjustly convicted and who has already served 15 years in prison. MomsRising followed the outstanding leadership of Black Lives Matter Nashville, which organized tirelessly to bring this injustice to Gov. Haslam’s attention and convince him to do the right thing by bringing Cyntoia Brown home. More than 16,000 MomsRising members signed petitions to Governor Haslam to press for clemency.
5. MOMSVOTE 2019
MomsRising did highly successful voter engagement and voter turnout work, including increasing voter turnout by 15% to 17% in our focus areas in 2018 and successfully doing those same Be A Voter, Raise A Voter programs again in 2019 in Virginia…and we’re gearing up to do even more in 2020. In November, MomsRising volunteers mobilized via text messages and postcards to directly contact other mom voters to encourage them to go vote. Together we reached thousands upon thousands of voters, mom to mom. Together we are making a difference for our democracy!
In December, after thousands of signatures and letters written by MomsRising supporters, the US House passed H.R.3, The Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act. This is one major victory in our ongoing fight for healthcare justice.
In February 2019, the US House of Representatives approved a bill that would require background checks on all gun sales in the United States -- one of the most significant pieces of legislation on gun safety to move forward in decades.
And for another big win in gun safety: After a years-long effort, MomsRising and our gun safety allies finally succeeded in getting legislation to rein in unscrupulous gun dealers through both chambers of the Illinois State House, only to see it vetoed by Governor Rauner. One of the first things new Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker did on taking office in 2019 was to sign the Gun Dealer Certification Bill into law, which gives law enforcement important tools to hold gun dealers accountable. It also requires more rigorous business practices (such as undergoing training in background checks, theft prevention, and preventing “straw” purchases) from gun shops as part of the state certification process. We’re celebrating this win for families and our communities!
MomsRising moved forward policies and national dialogue to protect maternal health and reduce racial disparities in maternal mortality and morbidity. In addition, MomsRising was proud to bring thousands of social media participants to the conversation in the second annual national Black Maternal Health Week (#BMHW19), which concluded on April 17, 2019. The theme of #BMHW19 was “Decolonizing Research to Develop Meaningful Policy Meaningful Policy for Black Maternal Health.” Together with several organizations, we’re making progress in educating lawmakers and the public on policies and practices that protect the lives of Black women and families.
MomsRising campaign director S. Nadia Hussain testified in support of Preventing Maternal Deaths Act, which passed in December 2018 in the House with bipartisan support. The following day, a companion bill, the Maternal Health Accountability Act, was approved by the Senate.
The legislation will require hospitals and clinics in the state to implement implicit bias training for all health care providers working in perinatal services. MomsRising joined a strong coalition of groups, including leadership from Black Women for Wellness and Color of Change. Our CA members took enthusiastic action to support SB 464, the California Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act. We delivered signatures to the legislature, made targeted calls when it was held up in committee, then delivered signatures directly to the Governor's desk.
Our childcare and early learning work reach and impact continued to expand. For instance, MomsRising co-authored a paper titled America, It’s Time to Talk About Child Care Our childcare and healthcare teams hosted weekly tweetchats on healthcare and childcare that attracted 3-10 million impressions each.
MomsRising volunteers also sent thousands of letters to the editor speaking up against barriers to SNAP and other benefits; those proposed barriers, like work requirements, were defeated.
And over 17,000 volunteers sent letters educating Congress about the importance of improvements and the expansion of the EITC and Child Tax Credit and submitted hundreds of stories on how these tax programs lift up moms and families, many of which were included in a storybook that we delivered to Congress on the topic.
momsrising supporter feedback
“MomsRising never gives up. And even when I feel despair, the MomsRising team is always at the ready with a way for us to act, to fight for what’s better for families, and to feel like there’s always a way to do better. I thank you for that.”
— Mary Beth, volunteer and donor
“Why do I belong to MomsRising? You see for me it's an organization I can trust and provide a way for trying to make things better for children and their families' lives. I feel that anything you can do for a mother, will in the end help their children, themselves and family whether its Health, Education, Gun Safety, Immigration or Justice. MomsRising is a go-to organization where I can find some way of helping even if it is as simple as a signature. It just plain makes me feel like I can do something to help in some way no matter how small.”
— Julianne H., volunteer and donor
In October, Speaker Pelosi gave a major shoutout to MomsRising at an event on lowering prescription drug costs with US Representative Delbene: “When it comes to moms rising, we know: Don’t ever get between a parent and a public policy that can help their child.Thank you to MomsRising! Nothing is more motivating to Congress than constituents, so don’t ever give up!”
“What motivated me to support you…fighting for gun safety legislation, quality childcare that doesn’t break the bank and voters rights. Women and Families are powerful, when they have what they need and when they stand together. To change the tide it will take All of us rowing in the same direction. We have a start, but we have to continue and you and your organization are helping to do that work.”
— Brenda, MomsRising volunteer
“I support several progressive organizations. MomsRising texting and emailing system to elicit direct call is far superior to the others. I consistently respond to yours. You know your audience: busy moms and busy women. I know I can advocate within two minutes. DONE!”
— Kathy, MomsRising volunteer
“I am a Cuban American working mom, and your mission really resonates with me — especially when it comes to immigration reform. I learned about you because I saw MomsRising at the protests against the abuse of migrant children, and then checked out the podcast.”
— Monica, MomsRising volunteer
“MomsRising has made it possible for moms like me to be on the frontlines of advocacy for policies to better support our families, like universal childcare and paid family leave. It’s one of the only organizing spaces where I’ve felt my whole self, and whole family, is welcome.”
— Jessica, MomsRising volunteer
"MomsRising is a lively well organized group I am pleased and proud to support. When I think about good ways to spend my money, contributing to causes that reduce suffering and increase joy, I look to those that address a broad coalition of our society. Mothers (and fathers) are among the most broad and committed group I can think of. I am a mother of two, grandmother of six, and the owner and manager of a business employing fifty people, many of them mothers and fathers. The activities of MomsRising regularly remind me how we can find commonality in our efforts to invest in our children’s futures."
— Rachael, MomsRising volunteer
"I was raised by a single, working secretary mother. We shared a house with my grandmother. I knew that I would not be able to go to college unless I achieved scholarships, grants and loans, so I studied very hard and worked part time the whole time I was in college. So I know that many women contributed to those scholarships that I received and they helped me, so my duty is to help other women. Together we can achieve great things with generosity, kindness and effort. Link arms and move forward together.”
— Margaret P, volunteer and donor
“MomsRising is amazing! Thank you so much for this!”
— Elena Hung, President and Co-founder of Little Lobbyists, which advocates for kids with complex medical needs and disabilities, responding to our Pride Month Social Media Kit (which included the poster above).
In my experience MomsRising is one of the smartest and most effective advocacy groups that I've seen across a full range of issues.”
— Jon Carson, former Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement
“Hats off to to MomsRising because you have been one of the most influential groups in helping people's voices being heard.”
— Tina Tchen, Chief of Staff to First Lady Michelle Obama and Executive Director of the White House Council on Women and Girls
“MomsRising was a critical player in getting Seattle to pass Paid Sick and Safe Days. Without their active involvement, we may not have been successful.”
— Seattle City Councilmember Nick Licata, lead sponsor of the Seattle paid sick days bill
“MomsRising is able to reach out across the country to make sure that women's voices are heard at all levels, including at the very top of our political system. I support MomsRising because I can see that my investments in this powerful movement of moms are yielding big wins for American families.”
— Lieutenant Governor of California, Ambassador Eleni Kounalakis
“I thank MomsRising for their tremendous advocacy. They have spent countless hours making calls and sending letters to Senators, and sharing the terrible experience of moms, dads and children who have been affected by unsafe food. I have been grateful to work with MomsRising to pass this legislation (The Food Safety Modernization Act) that will protect American consumers.”
— Retired U.S. Senator Harry Reid
top 10 media moments and other notable moments
1. The wage gap costs Black women nearly $1 million in their lifetimes
New Pittsburgh Courier, Sept. 16, 2019
“It is shameful that in this day and age that Black women have to work 20 months to be paid what white men are paid in 12 months,” Sherman said. “It’s racist, it’s sexist and it harms me as a mom, my family and the economy at large. There’s absolutely no justification.”
With MomsRising, Sherman is pushing Congress to pass pay equity legislation, including the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would help protect more workers against pay discrimination.”
— Tina Sherman, MomsRising NC Campaign Director
2. Las amenazas de Trump a los migrantes preocupan a los hispanos en su mes
Los Angeles Times, Sept. 17, 2019
“Xochitl Oseguera, directora sénior de campañas de la organización MamásConPoder.org, aseguró que como mamá le parte “el alma ver cómo están tratando a otras madres y sus familias en la frontera, separando a miles de ellos y negándoles necesidades básicas como comida y agua adecuada y productos higiénicos”.
“Somos una nación de inmigrantes y nuestros valores e historia están siendo empañados por el racismo de este presidente. Las madres de Estados Unidos no queremos que nuestros impuestos se usen para estos abusos de derechos humanos, encarcelando a niños y sus familias”, puntualizó Oseguera.”
— Xochitl Oseguera, MomsRising Senior Campaign Director
3. Trump's Agenda is Taking a Terrible Toll on Mothers
Ms. Magazine, Sept. 11, 2019
MomsRising’s Executive Director was invited to testify in front of the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This article includes a link to that testimony: “We need a major national effort to end child poverty in this country. We must strengthen safety net programs like SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Child Tax Credit and Medicaid, which allow millions of people living near poverty to afford food, health care, childcare, housing, clothing and other essentials.”
— Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, MomsRising Executive Director and CEO
4. Medicaid coverage for new moms only lasts 60 days post-birth -- for now
Courier Newsroom, November 21, 2019
“Right now,” [MomsRising Senior Vice President Monifa Bandele] told COURIER, “Medicaid is the payor for nearly half of births in this country but too many moms lose their Medicaid coverage just 60 days after giving birth, even though most will have at least one health complication within a year of doing so. By extending Medicaid coverage to moms for a year, the bill will support healthier mothers and families. Its enactment would send a strong message that our country is serious about improving maternal health.”
5. Muslim Americans Are Already Wary of Traveling -- And Trump’s Taunts Don’t Help
MTV News, August 23, 2019
“The mere optics of this most recent instance of the federal government asserting power over minority women on an international scale reignites and underscores a deep pain that’s been building within the Muslim community for years.”
— Tasmiha Khan, Associate Campaign Director for Healthcare and Maternal Justice, writing for MTV News on living in the U.S. as a Muslim American today
6. The Men Who Lost Their Wives During Childbirth
MEL Magazine, June 13, 2019
“‘We point a lot to Serena’s story because this is a very well-known woman with enormous resources who almost died because she was being ignored during childbirth,’ Bandele explains. As such, she believes many black women don’t stand a chance at combating the inherent racism and implicit bias in the American medical system.”
— Monifa Bandele, Vice President, MomsRising
7. Kamala Harris Reintroduces Maternal Mortality Bill, Aiming To Prevent Healthcare Bias Against Black Women
Refinery29, May 22, 2019
"We are glad that [Harris] and other lawmakers are putting forward proposals to address this crisis and focus on the disparities. If our leaders truly care about the lives and healthcare of their constituents, they will follow Sen. Harris’ lead and turn this bill into law."
— Monifa Bandele, Senior Vice President and head of maternal justice campaigns at MomsRising
8. Activists groups urge lawmakers to pass Medicaid expansion during day of action
ABC News, April 16, 2019
“When parents have access to health insurance, that bolsters the health and economic security of the family and improves the health of the entire family.”
— Felicia Burnett, MomsRising Senior Campaign Director for Healthcare
9. True Democracy is Loving Your Country Enough to Criticize It
Daily Freeman, Feb. 24, 2019
On ending the school-to-prison pipeline: "We should be...providing teachers with resources to teach social-emotional learning, and providing schools with social workers, full-time nurses and other resources to achieve the overarching goal of keeping students in school instead of criminalizing them."
— Beatriz Beckford, MomsRising Campaign Director
10. Black Mamas Matter
Ms. Magazine, Winter 2019
"The ability to protect the health of mothers and babies in childbirth is a basic measure of a society’s development,” wrote Smita Nadia Hussain of the advocacy group MomsRising in her testimony before the U.S. House...
Hussain and other advocates ... testified in support of the Preventing Maternal Deaths Act, which passed in December 2018 in the House with bipartisan support. The following day, a companion bill, the Maternal Health Accountability Act, was approved by the Senate. This legislation, said Monifa Bandele of MomsRising, “treat[s] maternal mortality as the national emergency that it is.”
Stories - Bringing The Voices of WoMen Straight To Our Nation’s Leaders
Using real stories from real constituents, MomsRising has been able to garner the attention of political leaders about the critical concerns of mothers and families.
While the din created by budget numbers, research, and political posturing can get overwhelming in our nation's Capitol, a real life story told by a mother with emotion and in her own words always rises above the cacophony and captures the attention and hearts of our nation's leaders and the media. MomsRising has collected thousands of stories from our members in many issue areas, including Healthcare, Paid Sick Days, Early Learning and Child Care, Pay Discrimination, Economic Security, Environmental Health, Flexible Work Options, Unemployment, Breastfeeding, Paid Family Leave, Housing Discrimination, National Budget Priorities, Medicaid, School Food, and more.
Even more wins!
Learn more about our recent wins:
- Learn about MomsRising's 2018 wins.
- Learn about MomsRising's 2017 wins.
- Learn about MomsRising's 2016 wins.
- Learn about MomsRising's 2015 wins.
- Learn about MomsRising's 2014 wins.
*Check out what leaders have to say about MomsRising's impact here.
Working with our over 200 aligned organizations to maximize the impact of the movement as a whole, the over a million multicultural grassroots members of MomsRising have played a key role in an impressive array of economic justice policy wins, as well as public education and voter engagement efforts at the city and state level as well as at the federal levels.
State and Local Victories

New York City, NY
MomsRising just helped win paid sick days for all who work in New York City, giving an additional estimated 1 million people access to sick days (We were delighted that MomsRising was one of five organizations that the lead sponsor thanked in the floor speech just prior to the vote). We are continuing our work in New York City by currently pushing for minimum wage increases.

MomsRising recently helped repeal the death penalty, and won protections for pregnant workers. We are currently pushing for paid sick days in Maryland.

Rhode Island
This state recently became the third state to pass paid family leave.

MomsRising just helped pass paid sick days in Portland. We are ramping up to win paid sick days statewide.

Jersey City, NJ
The City Council recently voted 7-1 to pass earned paid sick days. Our campaign for earned sick days is headed to Newark next.

MomsRising helped get paid sick days passed through the Philadelphia City Council for the second time.

North Carolina
MomsRising has a successful and very active test chapter, and has many active members working on the state budget, early learning, toxics, and more.

Washington state
MomsRising helped pass sick days in Seattle, helped pass several early learning and child care bills, and is actively working on state paid leave and sick days policies.

Additional Paid Sick Days Cities and States
MomsRising is also currently actively engaged in efforts to advance earned sick days in Maryland and Washington, D.C. (with Vermont and Oregon likely coming soon).

Healthcare States
MomsRising is also hard at work advancing healthcare for children in the KidsWell states, including the following target areas: New Mexico, California, Texas, Mississippi, New York, Maryland, and Florida.