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Families & The Federal Budget

1.3 million unemployed people left out in the cold #RenewUI

January 7, 2014
Outrage and frustration. That’s what we feel today knowing that Congress left Washington, D.C. for their holiday break without extending the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits program and now those benefits have been cut off completely for 1.3 million people . *Write your members of...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Voices of the Unemployed: Part 1

January 7, 2014
On December 28th, 2013 1.3 million unemployed people lost their Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits because Congress failed to extend this important program before adjourning for their winter vacation . The unemployment rate for women remains high at 6.2% . Below you will find the...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

My story: Facing unemployment as a mom

January 3, 2014
It’s terrifying to be facing the holidays without even the prospect of a job. At least last year I had a seasonal holiday retail gig. With all the wonderful support I get from friends and Twitter followers (“You’re so fantastic, it’ll happen for you any day, I can’t believe you’re single AND no one...
Tara Dublin's picture

Top 13 MomsRising Blog Posts in 2013

December 31, 2013
There are only a few days left to 2013, and we wanted to celebrate all the individuals and organizations that have contributed to the MomsRising blog this past year. Here are a few of the most read posts on the blog this past year–we hope that you take some time to read these stories and add your...
Connie Ho's picture

Remembering Micah's Smiles: How one mama has learned to live after kissing her 11 month old baby goodbye

December 27, 2013
When I married my best friend, Noah, we were young, healthy, and so excited to start a family together. We expected our family building journey to be simple. But, we struggled with infertility. Three years later, our miracle babies found us. We were ecstatic to have twin boys on the way. We named...
Jennifer Canvasser's picture

#Radio This Week! -- Our Economy, Our Families, Our Congress, And Our Nation

December 23, 2013
This show starts out getting the inside scoop on the labor movement America, then we jump to hearing about the big conflict in Congress over unemployment insurance. Will 1.3 million people get left out in the cold? From there we move to explore the growing inequality in our nation and what you can...
Kristin's picture

The Short Game: Taking the "Work" out of "Working Together"

December 20, 2013
Two nights ago, I hosted a gathering for my new ebook, Lean On and Lead, Mothering and Work in the 21st Century Economy . The event was an opportunity to experience the interactive nature of my project as well as to meet Hawaii's Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa, a candidate for US Senate , who is...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture

ICYMI: Our picks of the week! #Top5 Must-Read Posts

December 16, 2013
There are so many compelling, interesting stories published on the MomsRising blog every week. Below is a selection of posts we especially hope you didn't miss! Check them out; we'd love to hear which were your favorites in the comments below. Thanks! #RADIO this week! – The Real Feminist Nightmare...
Connie Ho's picture

FAQ: The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013

December 12, 2013
Senate Budget Chair Patty Murray and her House counterpart Rep. Paul Ryan yesterday reached a deal determining the level of federal discretionary spending for the next two years. In particular, the deal reduces the impact of sequestration, the automatic, across-the-board budget cuts that went into...
Jo Comerford's picture

Don't Leave the Unemployed Out In the Cold!

December 11, 2013
I hear from moms all the time about the challenges they are facing and the bright lights they find through programs that help keep their family’s head above water during tough times. That’s why when I read Grand Rapids, Michigan mom Lisa’s story I could hear the panic and worry leaping right off...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
