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Families & The Federal Budget

Voices of the Unemployed: Part 9

February 4, 2014
1.6 million people have now been cut off of unemployment insurance. Misty DeMars , an unemployed mom of two who lost her benefits recently, was a guest of the President's during last weeks State of the Union. And while the president called for an immediate extension of benefits, Congress is still...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Voices of the Unemployed: Part 8

January 16, 2014
After multiple attempts by Senate leadership to reach an agreement on an unemployment benefits extension, they have reached a standstill ....again. MomsRising is urging the Senate to stay in session and pass this important bill, rather then go home for recess like originally planned. Each week that...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Stop Congress in their tracks!

January 15, 2014
It has now been 19 days since unemployment benefits expired for millions of Americans and Congress is gearing up to leave town without extending these vital benefits again. We need to stop them in their tracks from leaving town! *Write your members of Congress and tell them to not leave town until...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Voices of the Unemployed: Part 7

January 13, 2014
Each week unemployment benefits fail to be extended, state economies lose $400 million. And as we already know, the personal toll is far greater....just read Carla and Kym's stories below and you'll see why. Carla's (from Cary, NC) story: I lost my repair services dispatch job in February 2012. I...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Voices of the Unemployed: Part 6

January 10, 2014
The Senate was thisclose to having a deal on a one year extension of unemployment benefits last night... and then it all fell apart. This is unfortunate news for moms like Carolyn and Katie who are searching for jobs and struggling to make ends meet with out unemployment benefits. Here are their...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Voices of the Unemployed: Part 5

January 9, 2014
We keep hearing from moms and women from around the country who are struggling to make ends meet and terrified that they are going to lose their unemployment benefits. Kimberly and Andrea have experiences shared by so many people out there. MomsRising is going to continue to advocate for the...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Janet Yellen: Leaning On to Lead – Part I

January 9, 2014
This week the Senate confirmed Janet Yellen as the first chairwoman of the Federal Reserve Board in its hundred-year history. Most reports about Yellen’s confirmation have taken note of her ascent through the glass ceiling, as well as her impact as a model for women and girls. I was most intrigued...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture

Voices of the Unemployed: Part 4

January 8, 2014
As the Senate continues to debate an extension of unemployment benefits, we continue to hear from families dealing with joblessness. We have added two more stories to our collection from moms Elizabeth and Wendy. Elizabeth's (from Chicago, IL) story: My story is like most others: decades of working...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Tasha's Story - Voices of the Unemployed: Part 3

January 7, 2014
Never, did I ever believe, that one day, I would be unemployed at no fault of my own. I’ve always been known as a dedicated, hardworking employee, motivated to get the job done, with a keen eye to detail. I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but former employers have always raved about me! It’s true,...
Tasha Taylor's picture

Voices of the Unemployed: Part 2

January 7, 2014
This morning the Senate took the first step to extend unemployment insurance to the 1.3 million people who lost benefits last month. The bill still awaits a final vote and then an uphill battle in the House of Representatives. Still there are millions of people struggling to make ends meet after...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
