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Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, October 1, 2021

October 1, 2021
There’s so much on the line right now. We need your action to help ensure health care is included as we Build Back Better, to help protect Haitian refugees at the border, to support the PUMP Act, and more!
Sue Anne Reed's picture
photo of a typewriter with "review" typed on the paper

ICYMI: Breastfeeding Month, Paid Leave For All Bus Tour, Dutchess of Sussex, and Black Women's Equal Pay

August 6, 2021
Hello August! You're only 1 week old and we already have LOTS to look back on. Catch up on the news and actions you might have missed.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
National Breastfeeding Month

Celebrating National Breastfeeding Month

August 1, 2021
Throughout National Breastfeeding Month, MomsRising will shine a spotlight on the barriers that many parents face in meeting doctors’ recommended breastfeeding guidelines and we will lift up our members stories - the struggles, the joys, and every moment in between. Please join us in celebrating the month with observances each week.
Tina Sherman's picture

Celebrate National Breastfeeding Month with these #5Actions: Sunday, August 1, 2021

July 29, 2021
We must take a moment to lift up and support our fellow parents who have struggled to meet their breastfeeding goals. We know that many parents want to breastfeed or chestfeed, but face challenge after challenge in trying to meet their goals. Empower parents by taking these #5Actions this week to support breastfeeding families.
Tina Sherman's picture

NICU Parents Are Being Left in the Dark

July 22, 2021
NICU parents need, want, and deserve to understand how to protect their child’s health.
Jennifer Canvasser's picture
woman giving peace signs

ICYMI: The Best of MomsRising Last Week

May 17, 2021
Catch up on all the good stuff that happened in the MomsRising community last week. [05/15/2021]
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Mother holding baby with scribble thought bubbles

How friends, family, teachers and other caregivers can support new mothers

May 3, 2021
Developed by Lina Acosta Sandaal, MA, LMFT MomsRising consultant and expert in child and adolescent development and infant and early childhood mental health Perinatal and postpartum disorders are extremely common in women during pregnancy and after they give birth. While there is information out...
Tina Sherman's picture
How has the American Rescue Plan helped your family?

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, April 30, 2021

April 29, 2021
This week we saw President Biden pass 100 days in office and deliver a speech to a joint session of Congress that highlighted many of the priorities MomsRising members have long been fighting for around the country! A big week! We have 5Actions for you to take this week important to moms and...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
Pregnant Woman Getting Vaccinated

COVID Vaccines Should Not be Withheld from Pregnant Women

December 10, 2020
Women have spent decades fighting for equal rights. We have made significant strides in many arenas, enacting a variety of social, political, and economic reforms. But one notable exception is the receipt of evidence-based care during pregnancy, when women and their providers are often left in the...
SMFM's picture
