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Risers Radio: When Women Win Our Communities Win

January 8, 2019
On the #RADIO show this week we talk about the many reasons to celebrate that historic numbers of women and people of color just took office in the U.S. House and what it could mean to our daily lives. Join us and get the inside scoop on when, where, and why to march this January 19th from the co-...
Amber Dorsey's picture
supermom cartoon with megaphone

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: December 14, 2018

December 14, 2018
Greetings! Today we remember everyone affected by the tragedy at Sandy Hook. We will never give up the fight to protect our communities from gun violence. We're also celebrating two wins in Congress, directly fueled by your incredibly parent power. First: the U.S. Congress approved a Farm Bill that...
Karen Showalter's picture
Quick Signature!

Tell Congress to Support Breastfeeding Moms

December 10, 2018
I have amazing and urgent news for you! We could get Congress to pass an important new law to support breastfeeding moms before the end of this year, but we have less than two weeks to get it done! The clock is ticking! Join me right now in urging Congress to stand up for breastfeeding moms and...
Tina Sherman's picture
Premature Awareness Month

A Premature Birth Can Be Traumatic, Not Having Paid Leave Makes It Worse

November 14, 2018
Ever since I was little I knew I wanted to have kids. My husband and I married somewhat young, and we decided to try having kids when we were in our twenties, just in case it might not work out if we tried in our thirties. With our chosen professions in the food industry, there would have been no...
Nicole Stoddard's picture

Military Parental Leave Program--Not exactly as promised

November 8, 2018
UPDATE: The U.S. Breastfeeding Committee Paid Leave Constellation has crafted a sign-on letter requesting that legislators fix the gaps in the MPLP. Please read , sign , and share the letter to help us address these critical issues. When the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017...
Amy Smolinski's picture

Alyssa Milano + YOU = MOMentum for August

September 4, 2018
August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month and the MomsRising community celebrated with action: Actress, breastfeeding activist and mother Alyssa Milano teamed up with us to raise awareness to millions of people, including by making a video and boosting our breastfeeding petition; our...
Anita's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: August 31, 2018

August 31, 2018
We hope you have some time to relax and recharge this holiday weekend, before September kicks into full gear. This week's list of top actions includes sharing why you can't wait to vote, speaking out for SNAP, celebrating breastfeeding, and sharing thoughts on going back to school. Please make sure...
Karen Showalter's picture

Real Life, Real Support for Breastfeeding Moms

August 29, 2018
Throughout the month of August, MomsRising has been celebrating National Breastfeeding Month and this week (August 25-31) we are delighted to celebrate Black Breastfeeding Week . Black Breastfeeding Week is a national awareness campaign promoting and celebrating Black breastfeeding families. This...
Tina Sherman's picture
We Are MomsRising!

We Are MomsRising, Rebecca from New Hampshire

August 23, 2018
In today’s installment of We Are MomsRising, we talked to Rebecca in New Hampshire about celebrating National Breastfeeding Awareness Month. Read her story below. To learn more about the We Are MomsRising campaign, check out this blog post . To learn more about National Breastfeeding Awareness...
Abbie Gately's picture

Recognizing "Breastfeeding, Foundation of Life" in Early Education

August 2, 2018
It is World Breastfeeding Week ! The slogan of World Breastfeeding Week 2018 is "Foundation of Life". And just recently, my 7-month-old and I had an exciting opportunity that reflects the #WBW2018 slogan: to participate in the production of a series of Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Training...
To-wen Tseng's picture
