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Paid Family Leave

Connecticut Makes History - Progress for Working Mothers

July 7, 2011
Photo is of Michelle Noehren with her new baby Lillian and Connecticut Senator Edith Prague, one of the biggest champions of paid sick leave legislation. Blog originally posted at Connecticut has made history by passing the first law requiring companies to provide paid sick leave...
Michelle Noehren's picture

Survey: 88% of Working Parents Suffer Stress-related Health Problems

June 20, 2011
Working parents have a lot to juggle, and this can create stress. But what we often overlook is that stress has real health consequences. Several weeks ago, I put together a survey * asking working parents about stress and its effects on their health. More than 600 people responded. I filtered out...
Katrina Alcorn's picture

US Dads Deserve to be Envious

June 19, 2011
Here's an op-ed on how dads in many other countries get paid paternity leave under law, and it pays off for businesses, economies, and families. But US dads get no guarantee of paid paternity or family leave under law. Published in the Houston Chronicle:
Janet Walsh's picture

What Do Working Dads Want For Father's Day? According to a New Report, They Want Family-Friendly Workplace Laws and Policies

June 16, 2011
“I want to be the dad who attends all the little league games and dance recitals, the dad who is there in the afternoon/evening to help with homework, the dad who sits down to dinner with his family every night. My current job does not allow for that to happen.” — media professional and father of...
Jared Make's picture

Is There Paternity Leave in Baseball?

May 17, 2011
I'm a baseball fan and a work/family advocate, so I loved the hoopla over the Texas Rangers starting pitcher Colby Lewis taking paternity leave to attend the birth of his daughter. High-profile fans denounced him in blogs and on the radio for "caring more about being a father than a starting...
Jenya Cassidy's picture

It’s Time for a Family Friendly America

May 10, 2011
By Vicki Shabo, Director of Work and Family Programs, National Partnership for Women & Families Mother’s Day. It’s a day when we shower the mothers in our lives with well-deserved compliments and gifts that show our appreciation. The heartfelt thanks, expressed in cards, flowers and chocolates...
National Partnership for Women and Families's picture

Americans Value Moms, Policies Don't

May 6, 2011
Americans value moms, but US policies don’t – especially when it comes to paid maternity and family leave. Check out this oped on the Huffington Post:
Janet Walsh's picture

This Mother’s Day, Take a Tour of the World’s Best and Worst Places to be a Mother

May 3, 2011
Each Mother’s Day, I celebrate the two most miraculous, deliriously happy days of my life – the days I gave birth to my two children. What I counted on during my birth experiences: health care, a safe and sanitary environment, and trained birth personnel. What would have never occurred to me, a...

Working Parents: How Are You Doing? (Survey)

May 2, 2011
I just put together a very simple survey about working parents and stress. It takes only 3 minutes to complete. If you're a parent and you work to help support your family, here's what I'd like you to do: 1. Take the survey . 2. Share the survey (or this post) with everyone you know. 3. Come back...
Katrina Alcorn's picture

The Care Crisis: Unpaid Leave is No Leave At All

April 25, 2011
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Unlike the rest of the world, the U.S. does not guarantee mothers and fathers paid time off from work when a baby is born or a child is adopted. This comes as a total shock and surprise to...
Valerie Young's picture
