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Injustice dismantled: Welcome to a new world aborning

February 26, 2011
Fair-minded folks breathed sighs of relief and gratitude when President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the shamefully discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) will not be defended by the U.S. Department of Justice. At last, the Department of Justice lives up to...

How to Save Multiculturalism

February 24, 2011
European leaders say 'multiculturalism is a failure.' Their brand of multiculturalism preserved distinctions without building cohesion and unity. Americans must be vigilant this doesn't happen here, and we can start by taking small steps in our own lives while advocating for smarter policies that create a brighter, more inclusive, united future.
Homa Tavangar's picture

Immigrants Need the Violence Against Women Act- Let's Stop Blaming the Victims

February 12, 2011
When I listened to the testimony yesterday of Ms. Antonia Peña, a domestic worker who volunteers at Casa de Maryland, I heard a story I've heard many times that never fails to affect me. Her friend Maria, who was born in El Salvador and has a two-year-old daughter, was in an abusive relationship...
Congressman Raul Grijalva's picture

Delayed Justice for Guatemalan Mother Encarnación Bail Romero

February 4, 2011
In 2007, Encarnación Bail Romero, a young woman from Guatemala, was arrested and detained during an immigration raid at the Missouri poultry processing plant where she worked. The fact that Encarnación was a mother with a baby at home did not matter. She was detained without the opportunity to make...

Equal Protection for Unmarried Fathers

November 10, 2010
by Marcia D. Greenberger , Co-President, National Women's Law Center We all recognize the stereotype of the unmarried father--absent, uninterested, and uninvolved in his kids' lives. But the cliché that unmarried fathers never have meaningful relationships with their children--just because they...
Thao Nguyen's picture

Why I Support the DREAM Act

October 29, 2010
My dreams for my children since they were in the womb have been that they would receive a good education and use their talents to be of service to humanity. So it came to be. They are now businessmen contributing to society with jobs and services that help grow our economy. They are husbands and...
Luz Villafana's picture

Imagine Giving Birth While Shackled to a Bedpost

October 21, 2010
By Steph Drahan , National Women's Law Center Can you picture it? Neither can I. But for pregnant inmates in many states, this is how motherhood begins: with their legs shackled to metal hospital bedposts. For Shawanna Lumsey, this isn’t an exercise in imagination, but in fact her experience when...
Thao Nguyen's picture

One Way to Support the DREAM Act

August 11, 2010
(Pictured: Ivan Nikolov awaits deportation to Russia, even though he barely speaks the language and considers the United States his only home.) When I was at the Netroots Nation conference , I had the privilege of meeting the many young people who would be helped if Congress passed the DREAM Act ,...
Elisa Batista's picture

What Would Our Nation's Founders Say? Arizona, Human Rights, Children and Mothers

July 30, 2010
"All mothers want their children to live a better life than theirs; to give them the opportunity to fulfill their hopes and dreams. Throughout my childhood my mother worked countless double-shifts flipping burgers and scrubbing toilets at the local fast food joint. We never talked about the...
Kristin's picture

Connecting at Netroots Nation

July 27, 2010
The Net is about connecting. It’s about reaching. It’s an electronic whisper in an ear that wants to know. And then wants to know more. And then wants to reach out to others. It’s about making a whisper a shout and giving form to the shout so it becomes a mighty chorus working in harmony to do something to help.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
