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Gun Safety

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Read MomsRising Members' Support for Student Leaders on #GunSafety, Pt. 1

March 15, 2018
People from all over the country (and world!) have shown overwhelming support for the student leaders of the gun safety movement. See some of the powerful messages of support below, then add your name to our map and our message: "I'm with the students!"
Dorie Klein's picture

5 Ways Social Media Can Be a Force For Good in the Lives of Kids and Teens

March 15, 2018
From sexting to cyberbullying to FOMO , social media sure has its share of negatives. But, if it's all bad, how did 2,000 students protest their school system's budget cuts ? How are teens leading the charge against cyberbullying? How did they organize a national school walkout day to protest gun...
Caroline Knorr's picture
Support Students!

MomsRising Members Support Student Leaders on #GunSafety, Pt. 2

March 15, 2018
In support of student organizing for gun safety across over the nation yesterday, MomsRising members responded with a tidal wave of comments of support. Below are a few of the many messages of support we received from thousands of members who are lifting their voices to say #ENOUGH! #NeverAgain...
Gloria Pan's picture

Honor people lost to gun violence by seeing them and taking action

March 14, 2018
A group of artists wanted to focus on the human beings lost to gun violence. They have created a gallery of portraits, not just from Parkland, but women killed by abusive partners, bystanders to street violence, churchgoers, and children and youth from Columbine to Sandy Hook and on…and on.
Debbie Weinstein's picture

#5Actions of the Week: March 9, 2018

March 10, 2018
Friends: Greetings. Well, another week has flown by like a toddler who's gotten her hands on a bag of cookies. We hope it's been a good one, and that you have plans for some rest and rejuvenation this weekend. Please see this week's list of top #5Actions below, including hot actions around...
Karen Showalter's picture

I #KeepMarching For Sensible Gun Safety Reforms

March 9, 2018
On February 15th, the day after seventeen lives were snuffed out in a matter of minutes in Parkland, I was still feeling numb, tearful, angry, and outraged. I thought about how it seems we cannot protect our children from gun violence, even in their schools, where they should be safely learning -...
Terry Ciulla's picture

The Human Needs Report: Spending and budget work, immigration proposals, gun control measures, and more

March 5, 2018
The Coalition on Human Needs just released another edition of the Human Needs Report, with the latest on Congress’s spending and budget work, immigration proposals, gun control measures, and much more.
Lecia Imbery's picture

#5Actions of the Week: March 4, 2018

March 4, 2018
Happy Sunday! We hope you've had a good week — and have weathered all the storms that may have come your way okay! This week's #5Actions roundup keeps the drumbeat going around gun safety, immigration, and SNAP (food stamps). Gun safety is top of our actions list this week because we all know...
Karen Showalter's picture

#5Actions of the Week: February 23, 2018

February 23, 2018
Did you know stories are one of our most powerful tools for changing hearts and minds? Stories are personal, they're real, and they really paint the picture of what's really happening on the ground. MomsRising has brought your stories around the importance of healthcare, early learning and food...
Karen Showalter's picture

How to Talk to Kids of All Ages About Difficult Subjects

February 23, 2018
One of the toughest jobs of parenting is talking to your kids about difficult subjects. It's hard enough to explain when Mr. Teddy Bear gets eaten by the washing machine. Or how their bike got stolen at school. It feels impossible to put into words the really big issues, such as violence, racism,...
Caroline Knorr's picture
