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Food Traditions: Smashed Cauliflower and Potatoes

December 6, 2012
Ever wonder why the mashed potatoes you eat at home don’t taste the same as those you eat anywhere else? We have a few food traditions over here that I haven’t told you about. Your Momma loves to sneak veggies into so much of what you eat. So, this would be why your mashed potatoes taste kinda...
Vanessa Bell's picture

Comidas latinas vegetarianas sabrosas – Recetas y consejos

December 6, 2012
For these recipes in English, click here . ( Fotos de izquierda a derecha : Un plato de pasta con lentejas y col rizada; Animar a sus hijos ayudar en la cocina es una buena manera motivarlos comer verduras.) Cuando le digo a alguien que solamente cocino comida vegetariana en mi hogar, su reacción...
Elisa Batista's picture

Korean Pear Salad

December 6, 2012
Para esta receta en español, haga clic aquí . Recipe type: Salad Prep time: 15 mins Total time: 15 mins Serves: 2-4 porciones The salad I present to you today is ideal to accompany meals during the holidays. Inspired by Korean Pears that Melissa’s graciously provided me, I created this delicious...
Natalia Carter's picture

Ensalada de Peras Coreanas

December 6, 2012
Este blog se había publicado en Comiendo en LA . For English, click here . Recipe type: Guarnición Prep time: 15 mins Total time: 15 mins Serves: 2-4 porciones La ensalada que les presento el día de hoy, es ideal para acompañar los platos durante las cenas en las festividades. Inspirada en las...
Natalia Carter's picture

Nickelodeon prides itself on responsible TV programming for kids, but what about its marketing?

December 4, 2012
Nickelodeon prides itself on responsible TV programming for kids, but what about its marketing? It’s time for Nickelodeon to take responsibility and dump the junk. Tell Nickelodeon to dump the junk: Studies show that food marketing causes children to want more and eat more of...
Margo Wootan's picture

Mom (and poultry inspector) to USDA: The new inspection rule will leave us unsafe!

November 30, 2012
Instead of looking forward to sharing holiday meals with my family in the upcoming weeks, I’ve spent much of my time worrying about the safety of the food families like mine will be eating at their gatherings. Because of a new and very flawed poultry inspection rule that the USDA hopes to implement...
Phyllis McKelvey's picture

Talking Turkey on Junk Food in Schools

November 23, 2012
Whatever your cultural or ethnic background, conversations inevitably turn to food this time of year. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving or just “get together”? Do you eat meat and is it free-range? Are the vegetables organic? What is a healthy dessert? Gluten free? What about sugar? And then there is...
Monifa Bandele's picture

6 Delicious and Healthy Side Dishes for the Holidays

November 21, 2012
Getting back to my chef roots, I wanted to share a slice of comfort with you all. Side dishes are what bring a holiday feast together but sometimes they get redundant and are filled with fat. Here is a round up of some of my favorite healthy holiday dishes to prepare that reserve the extra calories...
Yoli Ouiya's picture

Pass the (pesticide-free) green beans, please!

November 20, 2012
Like others across the country, this Thursday I'll be joining extended family and friends to celebrate each other and the earth's bounty. I look forward to meeting up with cousins coming to town from distant cities, and enjoying the yummy dishes we'll all contribute to the feast. I'm also hoping we...
Kristin Schafer's picture

Thanksgiving: Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Eat Pie

November 19, 2012
Originally posted on the Making Our Milk Safe (MOMS) blog. Working for a public health nonprofit can get you in trouble with your friends. I’ve been accused of trying to spoil everything from burgers to candy , Valentine’s Day to Halloween . So with Thanksgiving just around the corner, it seemed...
Charles Margulis's picture
