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Families & The Federal Budget

Major victory for the movement!

June 25, 2014
MAJOR VICTORY!'s top policy priorities & members were prominently featured at the The White House Summit on Working Families--and also in their blog recap of Monday's Summit!
Kristin's picture

Documenting Mama

June 24, 2014
On Sunday, June 29th, my story in the form of the film “Documented” will be told to the nation on CNN. A large part of my story is that I haven’t seen my mother since August 1993.
Jose Antonio Vargas's picture

You're Invited: SEIU Facebook Chat on Working Families

June 19, 2014
Today, too many working Americans are falling further and further behind. Thanks to decades of failed policies, there just aren’t enough good jobs with good pay or access to quality, affordable child care and health care services for enough of America’s workers. How can we begin to fix this? It’s a...
Courtney-Rose Dantus's picture

Calling Young Artists! National Contest to Raise Awareness About Poverty

June 16, 2014
With the swipe of a paintbrush or click of a camera, your child can make a difference in the fight to end poverty. Not only that, they have the chance to win exciting prizes, and have their artwork showcased in a national campaign. As part of our mission to build the political and public will to...
Melissa Boteach's picture

The Hidden Story Behind Student Loan Debt

June 13, 2014
Here are some of the budget trade-offs we could make to help Millenials attain higher education without burgeoning student loan debt.
Robin Claremont's picture
Meet Up!

Working families need YOU on Capitol Hill June 24th!!

June 11, 2014
On Monday, June 23rd, MomsRising members from across the country are coming to Washington, D.C. to deliver kites to the President on how our families need a lift because outdated Mad Men-era, work place policies are hurting our families and our nation’s economic security.
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Take Crafty Action!

Let's Fly a Kite for Working Families!

June 9, 2014
Would you gather some friends (or even gather just your kids or grandkids) and draw on a paper kite that we can send to President Obama (and deliver to Congress too!)?
Ruth Martin's picture

If your boss disapproves of birth control, Can he take it out of your health coverage?

May 21, 2014
OMG: The Supreme Court is about to decide whether your boss can strip birth control out of your health coverage simply because he disapproves of it. In her latest blog series, One Mom's Career In Sex Law, Roberta Riley sheds light on this troubling new affront directed against American women.
Roberta Riley's picture

The Surprising Truth Behind Tax Day: Where Your Taxes Go

April 14, 2014
If you groan about Tax Day, you’re certainly not alone. But what if Tax Day was something we could be proud of as members of a democracy? Would you feel differently about paying taxes if you knew they were going to support public services that you, your family, and your community rely on – such as...
Robin Claremont's picture

4/14 Facebook Chat: Why the Child & Dependent Care Credit Isn't Enough!

April 10, 2014
Tax Day can bring a lot of emotions. Ahead of tomorrow, people across the country are in the home stretch of filing taxes. Myself included -- I have date with my computer tonight to turn in my taxes! With the cost of child care exceeding the tuition of colleges in most states, the current tax...
Lauren Hipp's picture
