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Families & The Federal Budget

#MissionPossible: Building a Stronger Economy for Women & Families

May 13, 2015
Earlier today, MomsRising members, staff and volunteers stood with more than 30 organizations, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and numerous other U.S. Representatives, on Capitol Hill to send a message loud and clear that it is indeed #MissionPossible to build a strong economy for families, women...
Kristin's picture
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Chocolate is Nice. But Equality is Better.

May 10, 2015
I love chocolates and flowers and brunch as much as any mom. But what I really want for Mother’s Day can’t be bought in a store. For Mother’s Day, and EVERY DAY, I want moms (and dads!) to be able to take a day off from work when they (or their kids) get the flu, or strep throat, or other illness;...
Kristin's picture
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Tell Congress to complete #MissionPossible!

May 10, 2015
Mother’s Day 2015 came and went by in a flash. But the celebration of moms and those who love them doesn't have to stop. In fact, we're launching a mission, #MissionPossible, this week to build a stronger economy for women, families, and the nation so we'll have even more to celebrate next Mother's...
Kristin's picture

21 Million Moms Benefit from Low-Income Tax Credits

May 8, 2015
Honor millions of moms this Mother's Day by taking action to improve their economic security. Help save low-income tax credits, raise the minimum wage, and provide paid leave and paid sick days for low-income mothers.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Instead of A Card

May 7, 2015
Mothers In Charge is turning pain into power by launching a new effort to focus resources on the root causes of violence and promote healing.
Diann Rust-Tierney's picture

Mother's Day for Peace

May 7, 2015
Let's get serious about Mother's Day. Not about the pretense: we all know that drill; it's not really about the flowers and dinners, etc. The real story is much more stark, but also quite sensational. A woman proposed it: an assertive woman who was not looking for gifts and attention, but who...
Susan Shaer's picture

Are you over-managing your life?

May 5, 2015
"Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on." ― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose A few year ago, I led a telecourse on how to let go and go with the flow (available for download now ). I was motivated to facilitate this class...
Renee Trudeau's picture

What MOMentum Has Accomplished in 2015 (So Far!)!

May 4, 2015
Well, you’ve done it again. And this time, you even got everyone in the U.S. Senate to agree on something. Every. Single. Senator. Yes, you heard that right! All members of the U.S. Senate actually agreed on something... and that something was the fact that pregnant workers shouldn't be...
Kristin's picture

Road Trip to See the President

April 24, 2015
It’s hard to explain how it felt to be so close and hear President Obama talking about the issues moms deal with in our own lives every day. How empowering it was to feel like we have a leader who actually gets the struggles families face. What it meant to have a President speaking from his own experience of watching his grandmother hit the glass ceiling and of what he hopes for his own daughters. It was vindicating and energizing and hopeful all at once. But, strange as it sounds to say it, the three-hour road trip each way was just as powerful in its own way.
BethM's picture
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QUICK signature for SNAP: With an unexpected boost from Gwyneth's GOOPblog

April 21, 2015
Gwyneth tried (and failed) to live on a $29 weekly food budget, the average per-person benefit level provided by SNAP (food stamps). Should she have bought seven limes? Probably not ... but the online discussions have created an opportunity. Read on to find out what it is!
Kristin's picture
