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Childcare & Early Education

Working Moms Just Blamed (Again)!?

June 6, 2013
Deep breath. Count to 10. Can't. Believe. He. Really. Said. That. Yesterday at a Washington Post event , Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant (R) said that America is so "mediocre" in educational outcomes because "mom is in the workplace." ... oh REALLY?! There is steam coming out of the ears of moms...
Kristin's picture

Hey @FoxNews!

June 4, 2013
They took it too far this time. Did you hear what the all male panel (yes, a n ALL male panel! ) on Fox News said about working moms?! " Society dissolv[ing] around us ," said Lou Dobbs . A sign of " something going terribly wrong in American society, " said Juan Williams . Erick Erickson chimed in...
Kristin's picture

Motherhood 101

May 30, 2013
Quite unexpectedly, I recently met Nicole Lynn Lewis, Founder and CEO of Generation Hope . You don’t meet a mom with her very own non-profit every day, let alone one so closely tied to the mission of maternal support and encouragement, so I was instantly intrigued. She graciously let me follow up...
Valerie Young's picture

Striking a Balance Between Tiger Mom and Empathetic Mom

May 29, 2013
Strict Asian-American parents have become known as 'Tiger' parents since the publication of Amy Chua's memoir, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. She argued that her no-nonsense parenting style brought out the best in her children. But studies suggest otherwise. I’m what one would call a tiger baby:...
HyeSook Chung's picture

Quandary: Help your child think ethically through gameplay

May 28, 2013
Hello everyone! My name is Lisa Radden. I am excited to be joining the MomsRising community in an effort to help inform and support Moms around the world in the understanding of emerging technologies and their impact on child development and education. I would like to kick off my first post about...
Lisa Radden's picture

Actually, Failing Our Children Is What's Unflippingbelieveable

May 7, 2013
A few weeks ago, Melissa Harris-Perry appeared in a "Lean Forward" promotional ad for MSNBC and said: We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we've always had kind of a private notion of children: Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven't had...
Bruce Lesley's picture

“Mothers Unite! Organizing for Workplace Flexibility and the Transformation of Family Life” by Jocelyn Elise Crowley

May 1, 2013
It is very loud in the second-floor meeting room of a public library in a medium-size eastern city, the noise coming from twelve toddlers, all under the age of four, running around the room. At this meeting of the local NAMC chapter, eleven group members have put their chairs in a circle in...
Valerie Young's picture

Got Kids? Skip the Pesticides. Doctors’ orders!

April 30, 2013
If your pediatrician recommends eating more fruits and vegetables, what they really mean is to eat organic fruits and vegetables. Last fall the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) published a report on pesticides that can be summed up in just one sentence: “Children’s exposures to pesticides...
Diana Donlon's picture

Single Mothers, Double Standard

April 30, 2013
A lot of press about single mothers seemed to surface recently. I’m not sure why. It’s on my radio (NPR, Tell Me More ) and in my morning paper ( The Difference Between Feeling Like a Single Mom and Being One , WashPost, 4/18,2013). Whatever it used to mean, as an identifier “single mother” it is...
Valerie Young's picture

Useless Baggage

April 28, 2013
They’ve hit a new low. Citing significant concerns about long lines at airports and flight delays caused by the furlough of air-traffic controllers, Congress is allowing the Federal Aviation Administration to override strict sequestration rules and re-direct funds within its budget. And they did so...
Jo Comerford's picture
