Rachel Laser is the Deputy Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, a Jewish voice for social justice in the nation's capital. Her passions include working families issues, LGBT equality, interfaith and intercultural cooperation, and being a mom of three. For updates on her work and on Double Booked, follow Rachel on Twitter at @rachelklaser.
Rachel Laser
Rachel Laser is the Deputy Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, a Jewish voice for social justice in the nation's capital. Her passions include working families issues, LGBT equality, interfaith and intercultural cooperation, and bei
Blog Post List

June 5, 2014
This blog originally appeared on May 22, 2014 as part of the Religious Action Center’s blog series “Double Booked: A Conversation about Working Families in the 21st Century.” Double Booked deals with the many issues that affect working families - from paid family leave to rights for home care workers - and features everything from personal stories to policy analysis. Visit the Double Booked web portal read more posts and subscribe for updates, or join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #DoubleBooked. by Abby Leibman In 1989, I co-founded the California Women’s Law...
March 2, 2014
This piece, written by Rachel and her husband, Mark Davies, originally appeared at The Huffington Pos t on February 11, 2014. It also appeared as part of the Religious Action Center’s blog series “ Double Booked: A Conversation about Working Families in the 21st Century ” on Februrary 14, 2014. Double Booked deals with the many issues that affect working families, and features everything from personal stories to policy analysis. Visit the Double Booked portal to read more posts and subscribe for updates, or join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #doublebooked. My kids...
February 28, 2014
This blog originally appeared on February 24, 2014 as part of the Religious Action Center’s blog series “Double Booked: A Conversation about Working Families in the 21st Century.” Double Booked deals with the many issues that affect working families, and features everything from personal stories to policy analysis. Visit the Double Booked portal to read more posts and subscribe for updates, or join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #doublebooked. By Rabbi Andrea Berlin As our nation prepares for a conversation about working families, I am struck by my own good fortune...
February 26, 2014
This blog originally appeared on February 25, 2014 as part of the Religious Action Center’s blog series “Double Booked: A Conversation about Working Families in the 21st Century.” Double Booked deals with the many issues that affect working families, and features everything from personal stories to policy analysis. Visit the Double Booked portal to read more posts and subscribe for updates, or join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #doublebooked. --- I was invited recently to a conference organized by the Obama Administration on combating child trafficking – an issue...
February 20, 2014
Rep. Rosa DeLauro represents the Third District of Connecticut and serves as Senior Democrat on the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee. She has been cancer-free for 28 years. In 1986, I received news that no woman wants to hear: I had ovarian cancer. Fortunately, my doctors had discovered it by chance at its earliest stage. But to beat the disease, I would have to undergo treatment for several months. At the time, I was Chief of Staff to Senator Chris Dodd – a tough but rewarding job with long days and not much down time. When I told him about my...
February 19, 2014
I can still smell the steak that my dad grilled one night during my teenage years. He was a little bit obsessed with making this one lemon rice dish, but overall it was the perfect complement to any main dish- not so flavorful as to compete, but more exciting than plain rice. Nothing tasted better than his perfect tuna fish sandwich on fresh sourdough bread-even for dinner. His gazpacho was, and still is, to die for. My dad, now a septuagenarian, has worked as the Director of Clinical Education and as a law professor at IIT Chicago-Kent Law School for as long as I can remember. On top of his...
April 9, 2013
Over the past few months we have come together in the faith community many times to stop gun violence. We made a difference: our congregants made more than 10,000 calls to the Senate on February 4th in our Faiths Calling campaign. Since the Senate debate and vote on a gun violence prevention package is imminent, we are working hard to ensure our next call in day on April 9th rings loudly throughout the chambers of the Senate. We need you to help ensure our collective efforts are a success. April 9th Faiths Calling – Interfaith Call-in Day to Prevent Gun Violence www.faithscalling.org 1-888-...