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'Poor Gays'

November 21, 2014
This post, authored by Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson originally appeared on . The intersection of LGBT people and poverty is a largely overlooked reality. is dedicated to demonstrating that we know how to dramatically reduce poverty; we just need to build the political...
Alyssa Peterson's picture

The Unfair Price: Poverty in the LGBT Community

October 10, 2014
There is a clear connection between economic insecurity and anti-LGBT laws. Nineteen states lack almost any form of legal protections for LGBT people, and that has a real, tangible economic impact. When a gay or lesbian worker can be fired legally in 29 states; when a transgender person can be denied comprehensive health insurance in 42 states; or when a lesbian couple can be evicted in 29 states—the economic toll adds up.
Alyssa Peterson's picture

The Pink Peril

June 26, 2014
To raise a child with the freedom of self-expression is to question the status quo, to raise the general anxiety level at any given moment, to have our parenting - and our child's choices - examined even more minutely than they would be otherwise.
Eliza Buchakjian-Tweedy's picture

Visibility and Diversity: thoughts on Fathers' Day

June 17, 2014
When my wife and I became parents, nearly five years ago, we had to talk over many things that most parents will never have to think about.
Eliza Buchakjian-Tweedy's picture

Just Like You

June 13, 2014
We were sitting around on the living room floor, watching our kids flash by us as they ran in circles around the house. Three moms, brought together only by our children, talking about those kids as one of our few common topics of conversation, as relaxed as the situation will allow. Until one of...
Eliza Buchakjian-Tweedy's picture

Five Things to Know About Obamacare for LGBTQ Families

June 2, 2014
The Afforable Care Act (a.k.a. "Obamacare"), which became law in 2010, is in it's final swing of implementation. The first open enrollment period has come and gone and—as with any big piece of legislation—people across the country are still figuring out just what changes to expect from it. Here are five things LGBTQ families should know about the new law:
Felicia Burnett's picture

Queering the Wage Gap

June 2, 2014
It has been over 50 years since John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act, but we are still fighting for equal pay for equal work for all. Right now the wage gap is kind of like the faces on U.S. money...only straight white men earn full dollars. Everyone else is left with pocket change. The graphic...
Charlie Rose's picture

Michigan Marriage Case Focuses on Children

February 25, 2014
Today, a federal district court in Michigan begins hearing testimony challenging the state’s ban on allowing same-sex couples to marry. Opponents of marriage equality are, yet again, dragging out the same tired arguments and the same discredited “studies” that attempt to disprove what we all know...
Emily Hecht-McGowan's picture

"My STRAIGHT Son Was Repeatedly Denied Promotions For 'Being Gay'"

July 18, 2013
I love my son. Like any mother, I would do anything for him -- anything to make sure that he can live up to his potential and fulfill all of his dreams. That's why I was completely stunned when my son -- my straight son -- was refused promotions at work for being gay. I grew up in a small town in...
Lyn Herron's picture Celebrates LGBT Pride Month, Recognizes Work Left to Be Done to Attain Equality

June 28, 2013
The month of June marks LGBT Pride month and there's much to celebrate. This week, in a move that helps many same-sex couples, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down part of the Defense of Marriage Act, also known as DOMA, which barred married same-sex couples from receiving hundreds of...
Kristin's picture
