Rev. Eliza Buchakjian-Tweedy
Working Mummy and ordained UCC pastor, living in New Hampshire with my wife and two sons.
Blog Post List

July 18, 2015
Here's the thing, wise adults: it is not up to the children to make you comfortable.
June 28, 2015
I still cannot believe that I am married in 50 states. When my wife and I married, nearly nine years ago, we did so in the only place where it was legal. It was still a really big deal when the pastor said, "By the power vested in me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts..." And today the echo of those words makes me weep anew. The echo has shifted: "By the State of Texas..." "By the State of Mississippi..." "By the State of Ohio..."; the power and awe have not. These days are days of celebration, for me, for my family, and for the LGBT community. In many ways, our lives - and those of our...
June 16, 2015
I don't have to tell any parent that, once you have a child in your life, privacy goes out the window. From the minute baby can walk, nowhere is sacred. You can't pee, shower, or dress without at least the threat of imminent interruption. Life gets all the more interesting when the child learns to talk, and you suddenly hear the little intimate details of your life shouted from the top of the playground structure, or stated matter of factly during "bring your child to work day". You get used to the other adults in your child's life making oblique (and occasionally overt) reference to things...

April 23, 2015
I listened to my five year old try, very patiently and politely, to explain to this stranger that he was, in fact, in the right place. That he had every right in the world to go into the Men's room. That he just had to pee.

June 26, 2014
To raise a child with the freedom of self-expression is to question the status quo, to raise the general anxiety level at any given moment, to have our parenting - and our child's choices - examined even more minutely than they would be otherwise.
June 17, 2014
When my wife and I became parents, nearly five years ago, we had to talk over many things that most parents will never have to think about.
June 13, 2014
We were sitting around on the living room floor, watching our kids flash by us as they ran in circles around the house. Three moms, brought together only by our children, talking about those kids as one of our few common topics of conversation, as relaxed as the situation will allow. Until one of the other moms, talking about her struggle with infertility, looks at me and says, "You're too young to understand what it's like to have to work so hard, and wait so long, for a family." So much for relaxed. I was eighteen when I came out. It was simultaneously not all that long ago, really, while...