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Study findings released on September 1st claimed that women’s median earnings are higher than men’s in 147 out of 150 American communities. The claim comes with a few caveats, including the fact that the difference is all of 8 percent, and only holds for unmarried, childless women under 30. By...
Robert Drago's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Everybody in Washington is obsessed with the deficit. It's a serious issue with far reaching implications, to be sure. One of the ideas being batted about is that raising the retirement age...
Valerie Young's picture
Grandparents are the glue that holds many families together—yet our workplace laws don’t honor their critical role. Grandparents play a more vital role than ever in building strong families and caring for our nation’s children. In addition to providing emotional and financial support, millions of...
It's back to school time, but unfortunately, that doesn't necessarily mean back to sports for every child who wants to play on a team. Each year, many children who want to participate in school or community sports can't play. They're sidelined from sports because they don't have health insurance,...
Donna's picture
I am tired of political candidates who want to win the “Latino vote” without actually investing any time or energy into addressing the concerns of the Latino community. As a mixed race woman, I’m concerned about any candidate who sees the needs of California and the needs of California’s Latino...
Our children are facing an historically unprecedented rise in chronic disease and illness such as cancer, autism, asthma, birth defects, and learning and developmental disabilities. Credible scientific evidence increasingly points to chemicals used in everyday products, building materials, and...
In the months before my first son was born in 2007, I contemplated many things. One big one: how does “maternity leave” work when you’re self-employed? After talking with a number of self-employed moms, I came to the conclusion (as I wrote about in a HuffPo piece:
I had to do a double take last month when I read an article about new research in the Journal of Pediatrics showing that more than one in ten girls are starting to develop breasts by age seven, with even higher rates in some communities. [1] Seven year old girls should be able to focus on playing...
Kristin's picture
“I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it’s the spirit.” -Kahlil Gibran It’s that time of year when important holidays from major world faiths converge, we're about to mark another anniversary of 9/11, and...
Homa Tavangar's picture
More and more parents are expressing deep concerns about the quality of food being served in schools. And, many are still unaware that there might be anything to worry about. Healthy Child Healthy World is taking our Eat Healthy program to the next level by joining forces with Jamie Oliver's Food...
