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MomsRising Newsroom

October 3, 2011
News release Washington, D.C. — Representatives from children, family and faith organizations gathered on a national press conference on October 3 to denounce Alabama’s stringent immigration law as a sweeping attempt to frighten the immigrant community and tear families apart.  Last week a federal judge in Alabama refused to block the toughest provisions of Alabama’s immigration law, H.B. 56, effectively becoming the harshest immigration law in the nation.
September 27, 2011
News release Recognizing that anti-immigration laws passed in Arizona and Georgia are unjust and tearing apart families, MomsRising, the online and on-the-ground grassroots organization for moms and everyone who has a mom, has joined forces with more than two dozen other organizations to highlight the lasting damage these laws do to families and communities.  
September 26, 2011
News release Baby bedding that’s labeled no-iron or shrink-resistant may contain chemicals that could cause allergic or asthmatic reactions. You can freeze vinegar and water to make a non-toxic garbage disposal cleaner. Taking off your shoes before entering the house could reduce your exposure to lead-contaminated soil, pesticides and dust mites.  
September 23, 2011
Statement Today, Mayor McGinn’s signature on the paid sick days ordinance brings us one step closer to nearly 200,000 more Seattle workers being able to earn and take paid sick days. The Mayor and the City Council understand how important paid sick days are, not just for families, but for public health, businesses’ bottom line and the economic health of our city.  
September 20, 2011
News release Moms, dads, union members and other activists were handing out backpacks to Massachusetts legislators today to drive home the message that paid sick days are as important during the school season as pencils, pens and…yes, backpacks.  The backpacks were attached to messages from people across the Commonwealth who support paid sick days legislation.  The activists are all members of the Massachusetts Paid Leave Coalition, which is urging lawmakers to pass An Act to Establish Paid Sick Days (H. 1398/S. 930).  
September 15, 2011
Statement The jobs plan that President Obama presented to Congress and the nation last week, and further discussed in a Rose Garden news conference this week, comes at a critical time for our nation’s moms and their families.  The data released this week by the Census Bureau underscores how badly U.S. families need Congress and the President to come together to put our country back to work and jump start the stalled economic recovery.  
September 12, 2011
Statement Today, the Seattle City Council voted to support workers across the city and safeguard our public health. By passing the paid sick days ordinance, City Councilmembers took a stand for the nearly 200,000 Seattle workers who currently can’t take even a single paid sick day and their families.   
September 8, 2011
News release To send the message that no one wants to cuddle up with germs this flu season, members of the Coalition for Healthy Families and Workplaces, including Philadelphia area moms and kids today delivered fuzzy stuffed creatures representing germs to members of the Philadelphia City Council.  The “germ-o-grams” included messages from families across the Philadelphia area urging Council members to override Mayor Michael Nutter’s veto of earned sick days legislation earlier this month.  
September 8, 2011
News release They look huggable, but don’t be fooled – you won’t want to cuddle up with these animals. Moms and kids this morning delivered stuffed germs to members of the Seattle City Council to encourage the passage of the sick days bill without amendments that might limit the number of Seattle workers covered by the legislation. The stuffed animal “germ-o-grams” included notes from Seattle moms, dads and others about the importance of paid sick days for them and their families.  
August 24, 2011
Statement We, the more than one million members of MomsRising from every state in the nation, love our families and our country. We know that the current extremist attacks on women’s health and family economic security are only serving to weaken the United States, not strengthen it.   
