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Politics & Policy

If your boss disapproves of birth control, Can he take it out of your health coverage?

May 21, 2014
OMG: The Supreme Court is about to decide whether your boss can strip birth control out of your health coverage simply because he disapproves of it. In her latest blog series, One Mom's Career In Sex Law, Roberta Riley sheds light on this troubling new affront directed against American women.
Roberta Riley's picture

“It Blows My Mind that I Have to Sign a Law”: Massachusetts becomes 21st State with a Law Against Shackling Pregnant Women

May 16, 2014
After signing a bill to outlaw the shackling of women in labor, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick told the packed room, “It blows my mind that I have to sign a law for that.”
Rachel Roth's picture

Immigration Reform Cannot Wait

May 14, 2014
Last Sunday, for the eleventh year in a row, I called my mother and wished her a “Happy Mother’s Day,” but I wasn’t able to see her. I’m one of the estimated 12 million people living in the United States without documentation. As much as I want to see my mother, going home to Honduras could mean I...
Rosa Anon's picture

La reforma migratoria no puede esperar

May 14, 2014
Por Rosa El domingo pasado, por undécimo año consecutivo, llamé a mi madre para desearle un "feliz día de la madre", pero no pude verla. Soy una de los 12 millones de personas indocumentadas en Estados Unidos. Por más que quisiera ver a mi madre, ir a mi casa en Honduras podría significar no...
Rosa Anon's picture

Groundbreaking Bill for Pregnant Women in Prison Goes to Massachusetts Governor

May 12, 2014
Today the Massachusetts Legislature sent Governor Deval Patrick an important and long-awaited bill to guarantee minimum standards for pregnant women in jail and prison, including strict limits on shackling. Governor Patrick has ten days to sign the bill into law. He has already said he wants to...
Rachel Roth's picture

Get Involved: Global Day of Action to Cut Conflict Palm Oil

May 9, 2014
When problems seem overwhelming for our children, we remind them to take things “one day at time.” Amazingly, their problems often don’t seem so big or so overwhelming anymore. may20DoA.jpg On May 20, 2014, you and your family can join me and my family and thousands of other folks around the world...
Harriet Shugarman's picture

What I Learned From My Mother: The Power to Change the World

May 8, 2014
My mother taught me to “reach for the stars.” My mother taught me to believe in myself and to believe deeply and passionately for all that I strive for. She told if I am true to myself, that I can accomplish anything. Today, I am a national spokesperson on climate change action and advocacy. I am...
Harriet Shugarman's picture

Just in Time for Mother’s Day, Minnesota Bill Against Shackling Pregnant Women Heads to Governor

May 8, 2014
Minnesota will soon join the other 19 states that have adopted laws to limit the shackling of pregnant women in prison.
Rachel Roth's picture

#WhatMothersNeed: For Our Children to be Protected from Toxic Chemicals

May 6, 2014
MN.jpg Mother’s Day is fast approaching and I’ve been seeing more and more ads in my Facebook feed for Mother’s Day gifts. I’m not interested in a new necklace or a massage (OK a massage does sound nice…). The best gift I could possibly receive is the knowledge that the products I buy in the store...
Michelle Noehren's picture

Being a Low-Income Mother; Then and Now

May 6, 2014
In 1996, Bill Clinton officially announced that motherhood was not work. He did this through his Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act . This legislation stated that people could no longer receive benefits unless they fulfilled 30 hours per week of out-of-home work requirements. Clinton...
