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Paid Sick Days

Champion Real Workplace Flexibility

April 6, 2010
The White House Forum on Workplace Flexibility has generated an energetic buzz in work family advocacy circles across the nation. As a longtime advocate for family friendly workplaces, I am thrilled by First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama's keen interest and commitment to build and...

Pay Equity and Sick Leave

April 5, 2010
Re-posted from Working Mother Magazine's Blog (see link at bottom) National Pay Equity Day will be held on April 20, 2010. While paid sick days are important for all workers, this benefit is even more important to working women and working mothers who typically are the main caregivers of their...
Michelle Noehren's picture

Michelle Obama: "It doesn't have to be this way"

April 2, 2010
"Many folks don't have access to any kind of family leave policies whatsoever, no flexible working arrangements, many people don't even have a paid sick day. So they are struggling…scrambling to make things work…As we all know, here today, it just doesn't have to be that way. It doesn't have to be...

Sick from Child Care?

March 11, 2010
When Ashley's son started going to child care, he started bringing home more than macaroni art and cute little scribble pictures. He also brought home colds, the flu, pink eye, and a weird unidentifiable rash -- all things that meant Ashley needed to miss work to care for him. "I didn't realize...

Time to Stop Free-Riding on Families

February 10, 2010
For generations, our country has been free-riding on families. Our economy is built on the invisible and free labor of millions--many of them women--who provide essential care to their families, whether it is the education and socialization of the next generation of workers or the comfort and care...
Phoebe Taubman's picture

Wake Up! This Is the Reality of Work/Life for American Families

January 21, 2010
We work long hours. We work multiple jobs. We can barely afford healthcare, or we’re doing without. We’re stitching together childcare, or we’re sending our kids to school with H1N1. We exert ourselves to be good spouses, sons and daughters, parents, members of our community, friends - in snatched...
Gloria Pan's picture

Take a sled to the polls, Massachusetts!

January 19, 2010
Braving the snow to vote in Massachusetts? Tell us about it!

Paid Leave for the US

December 18, 2009
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ I've written here before about Jody Heymann's work in Raising the Global Floor: Dismantling the Myth that We Can't Afford Good Working Conditions for Everyone . The only reason we don't have...
Valerie Young's picture

Wal-Mart's sick sick days policy

December 13, 2009
If you shop at Wal-Mart to finish up that last bit of holiday shopping this week, you may be coming home with more than a good deal--you might be exposed to contagious illnesses like colds and the flu.

Can the US Afford Paid Leave? YES!

November 27, 2009
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog When the subject of paid leave comes up, someone will say: "Oh, no, we could never pay for that, it would be too expensive!!" It's the Voice of Doom, and I hear it frequently. So often repeated, I know it by heart. It will destroy small businesses. It would push...
Valerie Young's picture
