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Paid Sick Days

Even Supermoms Can't Fight All Germs: Personal and Political Stories for Paid Sick Days

July 28, 2010
Welcome to the blog carnival on paid sick days! We've invited advocates, moms, and workers (and many contributers wear all three hats) to contribute their unique voices to this dynamic national conversation about the urgent need for for everyone to be able to earn paid sick days...
Kristin's picture

Blogging About Parenting and Education at Netroots Nation

July 24, 2010
Here are some nuggets from Netroots Nation: the Parents Caucus was well-attended with between 30 and 35 people. I have hosted the panel five years in a row, and this was one of the better attended caucuses, including more men and even a couple of vocal dads. It was thrilling. What did we discuss?...
Elisa Batista's picture

Who's Joining Unions Today? Hint: It's Not the White Guys

July 20, 2010
Back in the day, the average American thought of unions as mainly involving white guys who work in factories, pull down enough income to support a wife at home raising children, have two cars and a house in the suburbs, and look forward to a comfortable retirement at the end of the road. That...
Robert Drago's picture

New Report: Americans Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

June 21, 2010
The results of a new poll show that while paid sick days is an employment benefit many Americans believe should be ensured by the government as a "basic labor standard," too many are going without. In fact, according to the survey sponsored by Washington DC's Public Welfare Foundation and conducted...

Who Needs More Women in Government? Dads.

June 17, 2010
As the first-time mother of an 8-month-old, I’m often concerned with making the world better for my daughter as she grows up. But every day, I also realize that I’m not in this struggle alone. Not only are there millions of moms out there trying to figure out how to balance work, a personal life,...

Don't punish people for getting sick!

June 11, 2010
We’re moms and dads. We know firsthand how fast the flu travels through our workplaces, schools, and child care centers. We’ve been up at 3 am half-focused on caring for a sick child and half-focused on the related “what ifs?” What if I send her to school sick? Will she get worse, or get others...
Ruth Martin's picture

Herd feelings

June 2, 2010
Working mothers are not crackheads. Having children is not just another lifestyle choice. If we want to keep this little human experiment going, then we need a sizable chunk of the population to keep having children.
Katrina Alcorn's picture

A mother of a day

May 11, 2010
I can't think of a better way to say this. I had a truly crappy Mother's Day this year. I think Anna Jarvis would understand. Inspired by her own mother's life, she started a campaign in 1907 to recognize mothers for their contribution to society. She was successful in making Mother's Day a...
Katrina Alcorn's picture

Paid Sick Days: Everyone But Us

May 7, 2010
Earlier this year, the nation of Kuwait passed a law ensuring paid leave to all workers in their country, even in their firs t year of work. In passing this basic, common-sense legislation, Kuwait joined a community of 145 other nations – including 19 of the top 20 most economically competitive...

If you give a mouse a Prozac...

April 9, 2010
For six years, I "balanced" a demanding job, a commute, and raising young children. All things considered, I thought I was managing really well until just before my last child turned one year old. Then, the stress and exhaustion I'd been holding at bay engulfed me. I could barely get out of bed, or eat, or think.
Katrina Alcorn's picture
