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Paid Sick Days

Paid Sick Days: a social justice and public health policy approach to reducing health disparities

August 10, 2010
A public health approach to reducing health disparities across economic lines involves looking for “upstream solutions.” By walking upstream and understanding why people are falling in the river in the first place, we can be more effective in saving lives than by focusing all our resources on...
Mary O's picture

The Benefits of Paid Sick Days are Understated

August 8, 2010
IWPR estimated the costs and benefits of paid sick days legislation currently under consideration in New York City. The analysis found the legislation would save around $11m annually due to a reduction in the spread of seasonal flu. That isn’t exactly chickenfeed for most New Yorkers, but the...
Robert Drago's picture

Paid Sick Days: Thank you for Sharing your Stories!

August 7, 2010
Last week, MomsRising Campaign Director Donna Norton personally delivered to me a moving collection of stories from MomsRising members about the need for paid sick days. We discussed stories from Connecticut MomsRising members including: A single mom who works in childcare and only has three days...

Paid sick days are a necessity

August 6, 2010
I am deeply touched and inspired by the stories submitted by Illinois residents regarding the need to ensure that all workers have access to paid sick leave. I could not agree more with the MomsRising Member who wrote, 'paid sick days are not a choice - they are a necessity.' Paid sick leave not...
Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez's picture

Calling in Sick: Americans out of luck

August 6, 2010
Every mom knows the feeling of your stomach falling when you get a call at work that your child is sick. You’ve got to drop everything. The only worry in your mind is rushing to care for your child. The last thing you want to worry about is whether you will be reprimanded, lose pay, or even be...
Linda T. Sanchez's picture

Screw Work Life Balance: We Need Work Life Policy! Join the Movement at BlogHer

August 2, 2010
For over two years, The Four Hour Work Week has been a national bestseller. Why? Because most of us resent feeling tethered to our jobs, and we know we could still do great work even if we had the ability to control our schedules and factor family needs into our day. But workers are completely on...
Morra Aarons-Mele's picture

Dispatch from Louisville: A Salute to Labor & Labor’s Legislative Champions

July 30, 2010
Last weekend and earlier this week, I was in Louisville, Kentucky talking about paid sick days and economic security with both labor leaders and state legislators who champion issues important to workers. Advocates who lead paid sick days campaigns routinely praise organized labor’s hard work on...

It’s Time to Flip the Script – Changing the Debate through the States

July 29, 2010
As we look forward to 2011, paid sick days campaigns in the states are reaching critical mass: since President Obama was elected, a majority of states have taken up the issue, with twenty-three legislatures introducing bills, and city campaigns moving in three other states. Several more states will...

Paid Sick Leave: Don’t Sneeze on Me!

July 29, 2010
Paid sick leave is sometimes described as a conflict between employers and employees, and it’s often framed as worker greed versus small business owner just trying to get by. But this issue is bigger than workers and employers. It’s also about families, colleagues and customers. Families need to be...

I’m Sick, I Have Insurance, But I Can’t Take Time Off From Work to See the Doctor!

July 29, 2010
Workers have always needed to care for their children, families and elderly relatives, and at the same time, be productive, responsible employees. For women, this breadth of responsibilities is felt with greater pressure, as women are more often the primary caregivers at home in addition to their...
