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Paid Family Leave

What revolution? Why haven’t women pushed harder for caring work to be valued?

August 25, 2011
When I first got involved in blogging in the Spring of 2008 (coming up on 3 years), I started looking for other attachment parenting and feminist mothering blogs. The first feminist mothering blog that I came across and one that still holds a prominent place in my RSS reader today is blue milk ...

Protecting the Rights of Pregnant Women

August 25, 2011
It’s October 20, 2009. My lab results have just confirmed the news that my husband and I have been eagerly waiting to hear. I am pregnant. I am excited. I am overjoyed. I am nervous. I am anxious. My mind and body are gearing up to experience a plethora of emotions and sensations that will last for...
Vibhuti Mehra's picture

Breastfeeding Backlash?

August 25, 2011
Ironically, at a time when the significant short and long-term health benefits of breastfeeding are becoming widely recognized, women around the country are facing both rhetorical and direct attacks on their decision to breastfeed. While every major medical authority is working tirelessly to...
Ashley Boyd's picture

Taking Care of a Newborn IS Work!

August 23, 2011
Three weeks ago I “came back” to work. I say “came back” because for the previous 10 weeks I was at home taking care of a newborn and now I’m back at my full-time career. I love the saying, “every mother is a working mother.” Now that I’ve had the experience of being a first-time mother, I relate...
Michelle Noehren's picture

Bloomberg Case: Open Season to Discriminate Against Mothers?

August 23, 2011
Cross-posted from New Deal 2.0 . When Sekiko Garrison told former boss Michael Bloomberg she was pregnant, his answer was simple: "Kill it." Allowing mothers flexible work arrangements, he commented, was like allowing a man time off to practice his golf swing. The CEO who took over when Bloomberg...
Joan C. Williams's picture

Only one woman on the "Super Committee"? Ouch!

August 12, 2011
Only one woman on the "Super Committee"? Ouch! Here's the math: Women are 50.7% of our population, only 17% of Congress, and an appallingly low 8% of the Super Committee . This lack of representation on the debt ceiling Super Committee which is charged with cutting $1.5 trillion from the federal...
Kristin's picture

Celebrate World Breastfeeding Week! A MomsRising blog-a-thon

August 3, 2011
Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world. But that doesn't always mean that it's easy or that there's no learning curve. Many mothers need a lot of support from friends, family and employers to start and continue breastfeeding exclusively for at least 6 months as recommended by the...
Ashley Boyd's picture

Breastfeeding – Making It Work

August 3, 2011
My son was born last year. Luckily, we had no trouble with the big latch on. I savored every moment of bonding with him as he nursed. Three months after his birth, I returned to work. And then the trouble began. I grudgingly adopted my Medela Pump in Style. But the little one didn’t want anything...
Vibhuti Mehra's picture

Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week: A Time to Engage Employers in the Breastfeeding Dialogue

August 3, 2011
As we celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, 170 countries will be taking part in activities to raise awareness about the benefits of breastfeeding to maternal and infant health around the world. This year’s theme is “ Talk to Me! Breastfeeding—a 3 D Experience ,” and focuses on using communication to...

Connecticut Makes History - Progress for Working Mothers

July 7, 2011
Photo is of Michelle Noehren with her new baby Lillian and Connecticut Senator Edith Prague, one of the biggest champions of paid sick leave legislation. Blog originally posted at Connecticut has made history by passing the first law requiring companies to provide paid sick leave...
Michelle Noehren's picture
