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Paid Family Leave

Fantasy State of the Union

January 26, 2012
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ My sister Americans: The state of our union is strong. Electing women to fully 51% of public offices has ushered in a new era in our great experiment in democracy. Legislators now put the...
Valerie Young's picture

MomsRising is Live Tweeting the State of the Union. Join Us!

January 25, 2012
Great news! MomsRising got invited to tweet at the White House during tonight's State of the Union speech by the President! And I'll be there representing us. We'll be keeping our ears open for the issues that matter every day to families, like health care coverage, unemployment insurance, fair pay...
Monifa Bandele's picture

On Women and Guilt

December 20, 2011
Another smart post from our friends at Role/Reboot . -Eds. I’m on the board of a small, parenting-related nonprofit organization, a board comprised of smart, thoughtful women who are mostly mothers of small children (and one dad, though our father pool is growing). In addition to our full-time...
Misty McLaughlin's picture

Another Barrier to Maternity Leave for Those Most in Need: Knowing About It

November 26, 2011
On Wednesday a new poll [PDF] was released that shows that people who are most likely to need paid family leave are least likely to be aware of programs that provide it. Specifically, California registered voters were surveyed to assess their awareness of the state’s groundbreaking Paid Family...
Nanette Fondas's picture

Mothers of the Century (21st)

November 22, 2011
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Prepare to be impressed with yourselves, girls. The US Census Bureau just put out new numbers on maternity leave and employment which show we’ve spent the past 40 years investing wisely in...
Valerie Young's picture

Census Report Shows Inequality in Paid Leave

November 17, 2011
Last week, the U.S. Census Bureau released a report that found that almost 51 percent of working women who gave birth to their first child between 2006 and 2008 received paid leave (which includes sick leave and vacation time), compared to 42% between 1996 and 2000. While the new figures represent...
Dina Bakst's picture

Increasing the Odds – For Every Baby

November 10, 2011
My third daughter had a 92% chance of never being conceived. When she was around four years old she heard a friend of mine mention our little surprise, and then asked me: “Mommy, why does she say I’m an accident?” Never wanting her to think this about herself, I stopped anyone from saying anything...
Homa Tavangar's picture

Boys “In Crisis” and Biological Imperatives

November 9, 2011
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Kelly Coyle DiNorcia uses her degrees in neuroscience and education to out-maneuver two small children, care for an astonishing variety of animals, and run an ice hockey organization with...
Valerie Young's picture

How Much Do We Really Care for Children?

October 30, 2011
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Last week’s policy briefings included one on the state of early education and child care programs in the U.S. The number of spots available across the country is nowhere near the number of...
Valerie Young's picture

Establishing a New Balance

October 28, 2011
Editor's note : This was originally published at Role/Reboot. October is annual National Work & Family Month . Who knew? A 2003 U.S. Senate Resolution declared this to be the month of “encouraging workplaces to pause…and reflect on the progress already made on the journey to work-life...
Misty McLaughlin's picture
