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Paid Family Leave

An Invitation to California MomsRising Members

January 4, 2011
Across the country, the New Year means new beginnings. Here in the Golden State our former and just-sworn-in Governor Jerry Brown will bring creative and sometimes austere approaches to tackle an estimated deficit of over $25 billion . For those of us who care about health care and the social...

For Moms & Moms-to-be the Personal Is Political

December 30, 2010
Cross posted from the Young Women's Leadership Program Blog: Words of Wisdom from Worldly Young Women As I scrolled through my newsfeed on my Facebook page this week I came across a posting written by a friend who has two young children that read, “I make $4.26 a week after daycare. Oh, the joys of...
Michelle Noehren's picture

This holiday season, I am thankful for ACA & NJ FMLA Legislation

December 17, 2010
Can breastfeeding, working moms expect legislation to support her lactation needs? The answer is “yes” thanks to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that President Obama signed on March 23rd, 2010. Federal Health Reform and Nursing Mothers President Obama signed the Patient Protection...

Give Pundits a Time Out!

November 4, 2010
Political pundits are spinning away in the wake of the elections, making guesses about what the election results say about the will of the voters. But it's too critical a time for our country to let the paid pundits have the last word. Moms (and dads!) know more than any political pundit about what...
Kristin's picture

What I Learned At the Mothers Conference

October 31, 2010
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ I was at Rutgers University on October 19th for the "What Mothers Want" conference and it was a mamapalooza of the first order. It'd be hard to say who was the more interesting - the experts...
Valerie Young's picture

Majority of Voters Support Workplace Flexibility, Job Quality and Family Support Policies

October 29, 2010
by Robert Drago and Jeffrey Hayes New data collected for the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) by Precision Opinion finds widespread support across party lines, gender, race and ethnicity for policies that will assist working families and protect workers’ rights, especially for low...
Robert Drago's picture

Leading the Way: Unions as Family-Friendly Employers

October 15, 2010
We know the value of unions to working Americans: unionized workers make more money, have more access to pensions, receive better health insurance, and have safer workplaces. Less known but equally critical is that unionized workers also receive more generous family-friendly benefits – union...

Warning bells are ringing

September 28, 2010
I recently got an email from a blog reader who said she had been obsessively reading and re-reading my first post , and all the comments that followed it. After years of managing what sounds like a challenging career and raising young children, she said she feared she was on the verge of a nervous...
Katrina Alcorn's picture

Musings on the Pursuit of Happiness and Work-Life Balance

September 28, 2010
LOUISVILLE, KY -- As I mentioned on my blog MotherTalkers , I was a speaker at the Coffee Party Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Before I delve into day two of the conference, I have some leftover pics and stories from the previous night . There was a bipartisan panel in support of the Fair...
Elisa Batista's picture

Work-Family Policies Must Include Grandparents

September 12, 2010
Grandparents are the glue that holds many families together—yet our workplace laws don’t honor their critical role. Grandparents play a more vital role than ever in building strong families and caring for our nation’s children. In addition to providing emotional and financial support, millions of...
