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Open Flexible Work

At Last: A Win-Win for Employers and Employees

August 31, 2010
In the mid-90's the Ford Foundation sponsored cutting-edge research on work-life challenges. Fifteen years later, the outcomes of the three year project are more relevant than ever. Artemis Management Consultants spearheaded one of three projects supported by the Foundation. Barb Miller has written...

Help Create a Babies-at-Work World

August 31, 2010
The Parenting in the Workplace Institute ( PIWI ) has a vision of a world in which interacting with babies is just part of a regular day at the office. For nearly 150 confirmed businesses and more than 1,600 babies, this world is already a vivid and enchanting reality. Will you help our Institute...
Carla Moquin's picture

Organizational flexibility fosters employee creativity and commitment

August 31, 2010
Since 1996, I have been in business as an organizational and community development consultant. Even though it certainly has its challenges to be self-employed, I have never regretted it. Since then, I sleep better at night, I am much happier and creative at work, and I have enjoyed working on...

The Dignity of Work: Transforming the One-Size-Fits-All Workhouse into a Custom-Fit Workplace

August 31, 2010
The inefficiency of slavery is now obvious, but to George Washington it came as a revelation. While on a visit to Philadelphia, Washington noticed that free men there could do in “two or three days what would employ [his slaves] a month or more.” His explanation—that slaves had no chance “to...

Why “Fit” Matters and Makes a Big, Meaningful Difference

August 31, 2010
In 1995, I graduated from business school and began working for Families and Work Institute developing and implementing work+life strategies. I often joke that I’m probably the first, and last, student to walk the halls of Columbia Business School publicly professing the desire to become a work+...

Custom-Fit Workplace Blog Carnival: Discussion on Best Practices that are a Win-Win for Employers and Employees

August 31, 2010
**Scroll down to the comments section to see the conversation from our 9/2/2010 evening blog chat. And of course, you can still join the conversation by asking questions and typing your comments in the comment box. Hit "Submit Comment" and join our Q&A!** Have you been there? Frustrated that it...
joan's picture

Straight Talk about Motherhood and Work

August 23, 2010
Recently I was asked a terrific question by an Australian (and soon to be an American) woman at a training for women bloggers thinking about running for office. BlogHer and the White House Project had put together a great program. I talked about my experience in international work as an Ambassador...
Linda Tarr-Whelan's picture

Admiring the High Performance Workplace

August 17, 2010
I just got back from a Dr. Pepper plant in Texas where managers told me about people laughing at work a lot more since they began the transition to becoming a High Performance Work Place (HPWP). As a person who has been writing a book about work practices that are good for both business and the...
joan's picture

Profitable: A Flexible Workplace for ALL Workers

August 17, 2010
REGISTER NOW FOR SEPTEMBER 9th (12:30- 1:30 ET) CLASP AUDIO CALL: “ Profitable: A Flexible Workplace for ALL Workers.” Join a lively discussion with Joan Blades (co-founder of and , Jody Heymann (founding director of the Institute for Health and Social Policy at McGill...
Jodie Levin-Epstein's picture

5 Things Employers Should Know about Breastfeeding

August 11, 2010
Under health care reform, all employers are required by law to accommodate the needs of breastfeeding employees. But ignorance about breastfeeding still prevails in the workplace. Here are the basics that every employer should know. Please send it to your boss, your HR director, and anyone who is in a position to support women breastfeeding when they return to work.
Katrina Alcorn's picture
