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MomsRising Statement on Charlottesville: “This is a fight for our children’s & our nation’s future. We will not back down.”

August 12, 2017
This weekend, we watch in horror as white supremacists and Nazis march through the streets of Charlottesville inciting violence that has caused the death of at least one peaceful anti-racism demonstrator. There’s no question that the election of Donald Trump has emboldened white supremacists, neo-...
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The Importance of Young Children Having the Opportunity to Socialize

August 4, 2017
Many parents have questions about how their kids can learn to socialize. The following questions come up frequently at our center: Q: Why does my child hide and show fear when adults enter her classroom? A: At eighteen months, kids begin their first transition towards autonomy. They want to explore...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture

La Importancia de la Socialización en Los Niños

August 4, 2017
Muchos padres tienen preguntas sobre cómo pueden sus hijos aprender a socializar. Las siguientes preguntas surgen con frecuencia en nuestro centro: ¿Por qué se esconde y muestra tanto miedo mi niña cuando entran adultos a su clase? A los dieciocho meses los niños empiezan su primera transición...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture

5 Propósitos Que Se Deben Hacer Siempre Los Padres

August 4, 2017
Propósito: Ánimo o intención de hacer o de no hacer algo (DRAE) A continuación les ofrecemos una corta lista de consejos que les ayudarán a ser mejores padres y a disfrutar cada uno de sus éxitos con las personas que más nos importan, nuestros hijos. 1. Comprende tu pasado y como éste afecta tu...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture

Share Your Birth Story With MomsRising!

August 4, 2017
We need your voice! Click here to s hare your birth/maternal story with us or share the story of someone you love! Everyone who becomes pregnant or gives birth should have access to a safe, healthy, and respectful experience. Access to health insurance and quality, equitable health care are a...
Nadia's picture

Methods and Techniques for Discipling Young Children

August 4, 2017
1. What is most important when we think about disciplining our kids? Prevention is essential for children under five. Make sure that they are well fed and well rested. Hunger and sleepiness cause bad behavior in children. Maintain a strict routine. A routine helps children anticipate what is going to happen and when it is going to happen in their daily lives. This creates security and autonomy, which reduce bad behavior in children.
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture

Técnicas y Métodos Para Disciplinar a los Niños Pequeños

August 4, 2017
1.¿Qué es lo más importante cuando pensamos en la disciplina de nuestros hijos? La prevención es imprescindible con los niños menores de 5 años Asegúrese de que estén alimentados y hayan dormido bien. El hambre y el sueño provocan mala conducta en los niños. Mantenga una rutina estricta. La rutina...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture

5 Parenting Intentions to Always Aim For

August 4, 2017
intention: inˈten(t)SH(ə)n/ (noun) an aim or plan (Websters, 2005) Here is a quick list of ways to improve your parenting to enjoy success with those whom mean most to you, your children. Understand your past and how it affects your present . Attachment theorists understand that the greatest...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture

MomsRising Calls on Lawmakers to Close the Black Women’s Wage Gap

July 31, 2017
Today, July 31, is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day – a day that marks how long Black women have to work in 2017 to catch up to what White, non-Hispanic men were paid, on average, in 2016. Black women in our country experience an appalling wage gap. It took almost 19 months, going into July of 2017, for...
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Medicaid gives my son a chance to hear and be heard #ProtectOurCare

July 27, 2017
Below is the story submitted by PA MomsRising member Jill Cammarata My son Anthony was born with profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss—which means he has been completely deaf from birth—in 2014. I had a totally healthy pregnancy and natural delivery, and by all accounts Anthony was a...
Nadia's picture
