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MomsRising Near You

A Unanimous Voice in Support of Students

December 18, 2018
On October 2, the Graham County School Board quietly joined all the other 114 local school districts in North Carolina by voting to prohibit the use of corporal punishment in the public schools. Thus, for the first time in the history of our state (as well as the colony before it), no students...
Tom Vitaglione's picture

¡Ayúdanos a hacer una diferencia!

November 27, 2018
Hace poco preguntamos a nuestros miembros sobre cuáles son las razones que les inspira a continuar luchando. Recibimos más de 800 respuestas que nos motivaron y llenaron de energía como lo que nos compartió Marie Edna en California. “Yo continuo luchando porque a los 75 años, me niego dejar esta...
linda's picture
Premature Awareness Month

A Premature Birth Can Be Traumatic, Not Having Paid Leave Makes It Worse

November 14, 2018
Ever since I was little I knew I wanted to have kids. My husband and I married somewhat young, and we decided to try having kids when we were in our twenties, just in case it might not work out if we tried in our thirties. With our chosen professions in the food industry, there would have been no...
Nicole Stoddard's picture
Programa de permisos familiares pagados de WA

Un parto prematuro puede ser traumático, no tener permisos pagados hace que sea peor

November 14, 2018
Desde niña, supe que quería tener hijos. Mi esposo y yo nos casamos cuando éramos relativamente jóvenes y decidimos tratar de tener hijos cuando teníamos veintitantos años, por si acaso no podíamos si tratábamos después de los treinta. Como trabajamos en la industria alimenticia, no íbamos a poder...
Nicole Stoddard's picture

NC: It's time to VOTE!

October 17, 2018
It's ON. Early voting is underway in North Carolina from Wednesday, October 17th, until Saturday, November 3rd (of course, you can also vote on Election Day, November 6th!). There's a lot at stake for women and families this election – now it's YOUR turn to have the final say when you head to the...
BethM's picture
Make sure FL moms vote!

Super Voter Treasure Boxes: Coming to a polling place near you in Florida!

October 5, 2018
You spoke, and we listened! Families across the country are telling us that they can’t wait to vote AND that they are looking for impactful ways to ensure other families vote too. That’s why we couldn’t be more excited to announce the launch of our Super Voter Treasure Boxes in Florida! One of the...
Abbie Gately's picture

Get women voters to the polls with pre-stamped, pre-addressed postcards

October 4, 2018
Forget Wonder Woman’s lasso, ignore Black Widow’s fighting skills, and never mind Storm’s ability to control lightning… it’s time to talk about YOUR super powers. You might be thinking, "Who, me?!" Yes: YOU! You have secret super powers to turn out the vote! Click here to activate them! ***It turns...
Sara Alcid's picture

Family caregivers left out of Washington's unemployment benefits

October 3, 2018
There are moments in life where family must come first and you shouldn't be denied unemployment because of it. But Washington's laws don't reflect the caregiving roles that many of us take on in our families nor do they set reasonable standards for working parents struggling to find childcare. We'...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
Quick Signature!

Don’t GUT Michigan’s new paid sick time law!

October 3, 2018
Did you hear the news?! Michigan lawmakers passed a paid sick time law! That may seem like good news at first, but the truth is that it’s not that simple and we can’t totally celebrate...yet. Here’s the scoop: The MI Time to Care coalition collected nearly 400,000 signatures for a strong paid sick...
Sara Alcid's picture
We Are MomsRising!

We Are MomsRising, Nikki from Pennsylvania

September 28, 2018
In today’s installment of We Are MomsRising, we talked to Nikki in Pennsylvania about raising little activists. Read her story below. To learn more about the We Are MomsRising campaign, check out this blog post . I started getting involved with activism around Proposition 8 in 2009. After the 2016...
Abbie Gately's picture
