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Halloween Roundup: Have a fun, spooky, and safe holiday!

October 27, 2017
Also featured on our blog , check it out here: At MomsRising, we want your family to have the best - and safest - Halloween possible! From toxic chemicals to food allergies, there are many spooky things that could...
Abbie Gately's picture

Join us at Our Lives on the Line!

July 28, 2017
WE WON! Health care was just saved in an extremely close vote in the U.S. Senate late last night! Never doubt that your voice, your stories, and your phone calls, can make a difference. It does. Last night's health care vote is the proof. While we won an important battle in the fight for millions...
Abbie Gately's picture

iAmerica, Indivisible, Mi Familia Vota and MomsRising Create Powerful Alliance

July 25, 2017
Four civic engagement groups, i America Action, Indivisible, Mi Familia Vota (MFV) and MomsRising, unveiled on Tuesday the “Raise Your Hand” initiative to strengthen the voices of communities of color who often feel disenfranchised by national political leaders. Through“Raise Your Hand,”an...
MomsRising's picture

Mamás Con Poder Estuvo en el PrideFest de NYC 2017

July 24, 2017
¡Hola queridas lectoras y madres de Mamás con Poder! Mi nombre es Romina Tibytt. Soy mamá latina de 3 hermosos niños. Dos varones de 15 y 12 y la princesa de 9 años. Durante el fin de semana del PrideFest en la ciudad de Nueva York, tuve la oportunidad de colaborar con Mamás con Poder para informar...
Romina Tibytt's picture

#ProtectOurCare Meet Kyla in Ohio!

July 12, 2017
Quality, affordable healthcare coverage is incredibly important to families in the U.S. MomsRising has recieved thousands of messages from our volunteers with stories about why the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare matter for the health of their families. This #...
Abbie Gately's picture

#ProtectOurCare Meet Julia in Ohio!

July 12, 2017
Quality, affordable healthcare coverage is incredibly important to families in the U.S. MomsRising has recieved thousands of messages from our volunteers with stories about why the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare matter for the health of their families. This #...
Abbie Gately's picture

#ProtectOurCare Meet Anne in Alaska

July 12, 2017
Quality, affordable healthcare coverage is incredibly important to families in the U.S. MomsRising has recieved thousands of messages from our volunteers with stories about why the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare matter for the health of their families. This #...
Abbie Gately's picture

"I don't yet have a regular group. AND YET I DO."

July 5, 2017
MomsRising has launched a project called #KeepMarching, which helps our members on the ground organize their friends, family, neighbors and anyone else in their community into "circles" to take action together and have an impact on their communities as well as for the nation. Some #KeepMarching...
Gloria Pan's picture

BREAKING: We just won paid family and medical leave for ALL in Washington State!

July 2, 2017
Stop whatever you are doing and reach for your nearest cape, Wonder Woman arm bands, or whatever makes you feel super and strong. Are you ready? We just won paid family and medical leave for ALL of Washington! I repeat, paid family and medical leave for every worker in Washington. HOLY MOLY! Go...
Maggie Humphreys's picture

Take action on health care over July 4th Recess!

June 30, 2017
Your calls, letters, signatures, stories, visits and loud, outraged voices are helping to slow down (and hopefully stop!) the repeal of the Affordable Care Act and massive cuts to Medicaid! U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was trying to rush his terrible, horrible, no good ‘health care...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
