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Good News for the Whole Family

June 28, 2011
Newly introduced Safe Cosmetics Act (HR 2359) addresses the hidden toxic chemicals in your hair products, your tween’s highly fragranced lotion, and your baby’s bubble bath By now you’ve probably heard of Brazilian Blowout, the popular hair straightening procedure that has come under fire in the...

Savory Latino Meals Without the Meat (Recipes and time-saving tips included!)

May 25, 2011
Para estas recetas en español, haga clic aquí. ( Photos from left to right : A kale and lentil pasta dish I make regularly; Having children -- like my daughter who is peeling the kale off the stalks -- is a good way to get children to eat their veggies.) Whenever I tell people that I cook only...
Elisa Batista's picture

Cancer-free strawberries, please!

April 28, 2011
Turns out people really don't like their strawberries messed with. The recent uproar about a new cancer-causing chemical in strawberry fields started here in California. It's since gone nationwide – and if you want to help keep strawberries cancer-free, there are plenty of ways to join in . Here's...
Kristin Schafer's picture

Food Revolution: Join the Party Tonight!

April 20, 2011
Last night saw the second episode of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution on ABC, don’t worry if you missed it though as you can catch up on . In last night’s episode, Jamie was finally allowed into a school where he met with some students and was confronted with the frightening reality of...
Jamie Oliver's picture

Food Revolution- No Sugary Milk!

April 13, 2011
We hope you watched the premiere of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution last night on ABC and saw Jamie with his pink slime and school bus full of sugar. If you missed it, make sure you check it out on or because we know when you see it, you will want to act. And we've got just the...
Jamie Oliver's picture

Congress to EPA: Finalize Dioxin Study Once and For All!

April 11, 2011
Today, Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA) and 72 members of Congress sent a letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson urging the EPA to finalize their long-delayed study on Dioxin once and for all. Read all about it in Rep. Markey's press release. EPA’s study on dioxin has been delayed for over 20 years due...
Mike Schade's picture

The BPA Diet

April 11, 2011
According to magazines and TV commercials, I will be spending the next three months in a swimsuit. To someone who has worked full time every summer since I was fourteen, and had the Bay Area pleasure of having a sultry summer day cap out around 65 degrees, I say hooray! (Although I’m still not sure...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

A disturbing pattern

April 7, 2011
"It's offensive to me when politicians compare our current national budgeting issues with tightening a family budget. We moms know how to budget for our families. We know to not always buy the $20 steaks, but we don't cut out milk for our kids. The current proposed federal budget cuts literally...
Kristin's picture

Some cosmetics companies treat every day like April Fool's Day

April 1, 2011
When we were 12 and 13 years old my girlfriends and I would often troll the cosmetics aisle of our local drugstore looking for new and exciting products to buy with our allowance money. Being a green-minded person even then, I reached for cosmetics I thought were natural, like Aveeno, Herbal...

The Right Priorities For Our Working Families

March 29, 2011
The 2010 election was a mandate for one thing: creating jobs and strengthening our economy for the long term. I heard that message loud and clear from New York families in every corner of our state, and I am working with my colleagues in Congress on solutions that will help create good-paying jobs...
Kirsten Gillibrand's picture
