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Five Tips for the Non-Toxic Chef

November 1, 2011
Creating non-toxic food isn't just about buying healthier foods or cooking at home; you have to make sure your cooking space and habits aren't home to hidden chemicals. While I've been detoxing my kitchen and cooking practices, I've come across a few easy tricks to lighten your chemical load in the...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Count Our Blessings and Make a Difference

October 26, 2011
Since the first Thanksgiving almost 400 years ago, Americans have spent each fall counting our blessings for the abundance produced by this continent's food and agriculture system. It is a gift that has kept on giving: We Americans today are, in general, able to consume more food, with more variety...
Senator Tom Harkin's picture

Show Congress How to Celebrate Food Day

October 24, 2011
Family dinners, backyard BBQs, even that rare long lunch with old friends: Food brings us together, and helps us make memories. Today is Food Day, and we’re celebrating the power and the possibility of food. Thousands of people across the country are coming together to alleviate hunger, improve...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Junk Food Doublespeak

October 17, 2011
Cross-posted from . An apple a day and eating your peas led to good health, we once thought. Now, according to major food manufacturers, fruits and vegetables are “ job killers ” that will devastate the American economy. Photo credit: James Vaughan (via Flickr). In April of this...
Donald Cohen's picture

Health Care is a Right, Not a Privilege

October 11, 2011
The Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) places full access to quality, affordable health care and the importance of health education for working women front and center to our work. This was made abundantly clear last month during our 16th Biennial Convention when our delegates overwhelming passed...
Carol Rosenblatt's picture

We're Not Buying It: Stop Junk Food Marketing to Kids

October 10, 2011
On Wednesday morning, a faceoff between kids’ health and the food industry will reach a months-long culmination. CEOs from some of the biggest food companies in the world will show up to say they should not be held accountable—even by voluntary, science-based guidelines—for the foods they market to...

Tips Tuesday: Green Tips for Pets

October 4, 2011
Toxic chemicals don't just show up in foods, toys, and cosmetics for people; they also like to make an appearance in goods for pets. October is National Pet Wellness month, and we're celebrating by helping you keep your pet healthy and green with these top 5 green tips for pets: Do your homework:...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

The #FoodRevolution School Lunch Photo Wall

September 28, 2011
We have just launched a brand new online project to shine the spotlight on school lunches across the world! In order to demonstrate what is really on the lunch tray and start an honest conversation about state of school food we are asking people to eat lunch in their school, take a snapshot, and...
Jamie Oliver's picture

A Summer of Non-Toxic Tips

September 23, 2011
Even though back to school chaos is long over, and autumn weather has hit quite a bit of the country, today is the official end of summer. In honor of the official end of the season, here’s a round up of this summer’s Tips Tuesday tips. Enjoy, and get ready for a whole new batch of autumn-themed,...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Take BPA Off of Your Grocery List

September 22, 2011
Hundreds of studies have linked BPA to serious health problems , including cancer, heart disease, obesity, and a number of reproductive issues. With 2 billion pounds of BPA produced annually in the US, it’s no wonder that 93% of Americans have detectable levels of BPA in their bodies . So with BPA...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
