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3 Easy Steps to Toxic Free & Yummy Stocking Stuffers!

December 8, 2011
Edible treats make great stocking stuffers; just make sure they’re not stuffed with toxins. Follow these basic tricks to find non-toxic (and inexpensive!) alternatives: 1) Look for less packaging: Those giant, food filled holiday baskets are home to loads of plastic. And unfortunately, even for...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Fighting to Sell Junk Food to Kids: Really, grocery manufacturers? That’s your highest priority?

November 17, 2011
Think of all the things that food manufacturers could be doing to improve the nation’s health. They could reduce the amount of salt in packaged foods to help prevent blood pressure from rising. They could make healthier foods for school lunches. And they could use their billions of advertising...
Mike Jacobson's picture

Tips Tuesday: Nontoxic Thanksgiving Makeovers

November 15, 2011
Happy (almost) Thanksgiving! While we may be entering the most wonderful time of the year, holiday feasts can also make this the most toxic time of the year too. Steaming dishes full of green bean casserole, wriggling slabs of cranberry sauce, endless pies: these delicious Thanksgiving staples are...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Generation Rx: Is Over-Medication Endangering Our Kids’ Health?

November 14, 2011
By Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff Executive Director/CEO, Healthy Child Healthy World I first heard the term “Generation Rx” in a speech given by Allergy Kids Foundation’s Robyn O’Brien, a long-time supporter and now board member of Healthy Child Healthy World. The idea is especially...

Food Day 2011 a Huge Success

November 11, 2011
In case you haven’t already heard the news, Food Day 2011 was a huge success! With over 2300 events in all 50 states, we were thrilled that so many organizers joined the movement for "real food" across the country on October 24. Mark your calendars for Food Day 2012, which will again take place on...
Mike Jacobson's picture

Tips Tuesday: Green Holiday Travel

November 8, 2011
Surprise: It’s November! Do you have your holiday travel plans together yet (spoiler alert: I don’t either). As you figure those out, here are a few quick and easy tips to make your travel experiences a little greener this holiday season. Pack lightly: Packing less is easy when you plan ahead, and...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Five Tips for the Non-Toxic Chef

November 1, 2011
Creating non-toxic food isn't just about buying healthier foods or cooking at home; you have to make sure your cooking space and habits aren't home to hidden chemicals. While I've been detoxing my kitchen and cooking practices, I've come across a few easy tricks to lighten your chemical load in the...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Count Our Blessings and Make a Difference

October 26, 2011
Since the first Thanksgiving almost 400 years ago, Americans have spent each fall counting our blessings for the abundance produced by this continent's food and agriculture system. It is a gift that has kept on giving: We Americans today are, in general, able to consume more food, with more variety...
Senator Tom Harkin's picture

Show Congress How to Celebrate Food Day

October 24, 2011
Family dinners, backyard BBQs, even that rare long lunch with old friends: Food brings us together, and helps us make memories. Today is Food Day, and we’re celebrating the power and the possibility of food. Thousands of people across the country are coming together to alleviate hunger, improve...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Junk Food Doublespeak

October 17, 2011
Cross-posted from . An apple a day and eating your peas led to good health, we once thought. Now, according to major food manufacturers, fruits and vegetables are “ job killers ” that will devastate the American economy. Photo credit: James Vaughan (via Flickr). In April of this...
Donald Cohen's picture
