Rev. Alison Duren-Sutherland is a Unitarian Universalist minister and mother of two. Her faith calls her to marvel at the natural beauty Oregon where she makes her home, and to advocate fiercely for those who have been historically excluded. She has been volunteering with MomsRising for years, sharing stories, signing petitions, writing postcards, and most recently as a New Beacon Hub leader.
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August 15, 2023
As a MomsRising volunteer for many years, I've advocated for making early learning available to every kid in our country, and for funding HeadStart to do this important work. You, too, can get involved in this important advocacy, by clicking here to sign a petition to fully fund HeadStart. Unfortunately, I’ve also seen in my own community this year that without good policy, appropriate avenues for feedback, and culturally competent staff, HeadStart programs can struggle to provide effective early learning services for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) families. But I've also learned that as a white mom, I have the power to do something about it.