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Families & The Federal Budget

What the duck?! *I mean duck! Duck! DUCK!

December 13, 2022
Since my toddler is here with me and I can’t say what I REALLY want to say, what I will say is…What the actual **DUCK,** Congress?! Policies like the Child Tax Credit are a huge ducking deal and families are tired of waiting, so we are sending ALL the ducks to Washington, DC instead – and we need...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

MomsRising Stories: How the Child Tax Credit Impacts Our Families

December 1, 2022
Childcare prices have exploded over the last decade, and with the pandemic, options have diminished. My husband and I are both public elementary school teachers. We are able to live comfortably but not extravagantly. Affording daycare for our toddler son has pushed our budget to the limit-- we make...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Hand holding pen, writing list on notepad.

Tell Congress “prioritize our families now!”

November 18, 2022
There are less than 7 weeks left in the year but WOW does Congress have some work to do! We have created a “to-do” list for Congress to keep them on schedule for delivering important policies for our families, children, and economy by the end of the year.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Entendiendo el programa de alivio de los préstamos estudiantiles

November 3, 2022
Ha habido mucho revuelo en torno al programa de alivio de los préstamos estudiantiles del presidente Biden, ¡y con razón! El presidente Biden anunció el 17 de octubre que el portal para aplicar en línea para el alivio de los préstamos estudiantiles estaba abierto y en la misma semana visitó...
Namatie Mansaray's picture

A Closer Look: The Student Debt Loan Relief Program

November 1, 2022
There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding President Biden’s Student Debt Loan Relief Program and rightly so! On October 17th, President Biden unveiled the online application portal for student loan debt relief and later that week, President Biden visited Delaware University, an Historically Black...
Namatie Mansaray's picture

CNN OPINION: The harsh reality conservatives refuse to acknowledge

September 19, 2022
In a powerful CNN Opinion, MomsRising Executive Director Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner argues that, as the midterm elections approach, moms are a motivated voting force, and only one party is prioritizing issues that matter most to moms and families.
MomsRising's picture
We Are MomsRising
MomsRising member Angelina Scott and her husband, Matthew.

Do our elected leaders know how it feels to choose between food and medicine? I do.

August 30, 2022
"I’ll never forget stumbling into my pharmacy one day, my blood pressure soaring. I could barely see. I asked the pharmacist: Could you just give me a couple pills? Just five or six, until my next paycheck comes in? I'm scared."
Kerri Karvetski's picture
student loans

Dile al presidente Biden que cancele la deuda de préstamos estudiantiles

August 24, 2022
En poco más de 1 semana, expirará la moratoria de los préstamos federales para estudiantes. Y miles de miembros y familias de MomsRising/MamásConPoder en todo el país enfrentarán una vez más la carga y la tensión financiera de los pagos de préstamos estudiantiles escandalosamente altos. Apuesto a...
linda's picture
Little girl in purple jacket, pink pants and rain boots bending down to plant flowers with a teacher squatting down next to her.

My Homage to Child Care

August 10, 2022
Last Friday was my daughter’s last day in her pre-k program. We found the program when we bought our house in 2019, a much simpler time, pre-pandemic. We toured a couple local centers, but ultimately fell in love with this one because of their play-based learning curriculum, the inclusion of nature in the program, and the amazing teachers.
MacKenzie Nicholson's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, August 5, 2022

August 5, 2022
We have a win to celebrate! This week we saw a big win in Kansas to protect abortion rights because everyday people like you stood up, voted, and made their voices heard! Now – in no small part due to your efforts – we have an opportunity to help move another wave of progress forward with the...
Selina Maldonado's picture
