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Environmental Health

Honeybees and Groundwater: Canaries in the Pesticide Coalmine

October 9, 2013
Researchers increasingly draw links between pesticides and serious illnesses like cancer, Parkinson’s disease, birth defects, and a host of others, as well as impacts on aquatic life, such as the Potomac River’s very own intersex fish. Lately the mystery surrounding worldwide beehive loss is leading researchers to question when, where and how pesticides are used and how they affect bees. Maybe the beekeepers’ demand for the most basic pesticide information could be a tipping point in the quest for a reporting database.
Ruth Berlin's picture

7 Reasons to Avoid Toxic Fragrances

October 4, 2013
Did you know that many personal use product such as cosmetics, shampoos, and body washes contain chemical fragrances that could be harmful to you and your family's health? Not many people do. It's also a secret that companies do not have to disclose which chemicals they are using as fragrance. They...
Katy Farber's picture

Toxic Chemicals to Avoid During Pregnancy

October 1, 2013
I didn’t realize how many women don’t have access to basic information on how to protect themselves (and their unborn child) from exposure to toxic chemicals. Check out WVE's tips for harmful chemicals to avoid during pregnancy!
Cassidy Randall's picture

Kids health & pesticides? Time to connect the dots, EPA.

September 30, 2013
EPA is doing a better job protecting children's health, according to a new government report . This is very welcome news indeed — kudos to the agency for recognizing that when it comes to environmental harms, kids cannot be treated like little adults. The bad news? The report flagged one arena...
Kristin Schafer's picture

What We Don’t Know Will Hurt Us: The Need For Chemical Policy Reform

September 24, 2013
When pregnant, I was lucky enough to receive excellent prenatal care. Still, I was bombarded – and frankly, sometimes overwhelmed – with messages about what to do and what to avoid during pregnancy. And despite doing my best to comply with the prevailing guidance, my son was probably born – like...
Jessica Arons's picture

Progress on Toxics (Walmart and Procter and Gamble!)

September 18, 2013
You want proof that online and offline activism works, and that regular American parents and consumers can make a difference in multi-billion dollar corporations? Just take a look at some of the public health successes that have come across our radar in the last week. While we celebrate the good...
Katy Farber's picture

Target can hit a bullseye with a safe cosmetics policy

September 14, 2013
This time of year, Target becomes like my second home. Dropping by to pick up school supplies, clothes and fall sports equipment in addition to my regular shopping, I’m in and out of my local store so often, they should personalize a parking spot for me. Target is my go-to retailer, because I love...
Gloria Pan's picture

10 Reasons We Need Stronger Laws About Toxic Chemicals

September 10, 2013
Last month, the Senate Environmental and Public Works committee held a hearing about toxic chemicals . Business owners, health advocates, and citizens testified about the the lack of regulation of toxic chemicals in consumer products and how they are harming lives. This fall, Congress will decide...
Katy Farber's picture

Ten Organic Food Tips for a Family Budget

September 4, 2013
As a nation, we have become accustomed to paying relatively little for our food as a percentage of overall income. [i] While this cheap food may on the face of it seem like a good thing, it actually comes at an alarming, and astronomical, cost. This is due to the fact that whenever you buy non-...
Diana Donlon's picture

Five out of Five Scientists Agree - We Need More Information about Pesticides

September 3, 2013
We are making progress on confirming the need for a Maryland pesticide use database! And so many of you helped us get here. The August meeting of the Maryland Pesticide and Information Act Workgroup, its second, focused on what we do and don’t know about pesticides. The workgroup, consisting of...
Ruth Berlin's picture
