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Childcare & Early Education

Getting Rid of Junk Food Marketing in Schools – It May Be a Lot Harder Than You Think.

April 20, 2012
You did it! You got your school district to ban junk food poster ads, vending machines and unhealthy snacks in the cafeteria. You would think that after all that hard work you could sit back and relax knowing that you’ve created one more safe eating environment for America’s youth. Not so fast!...
Joy Spencer's picture

Bully: Go to the Movies. Save a Life

April 16, 2012
Bully is game changing in the way we think about and act on childhood bullying. What changes is the belief that bullying is simply a case of Kids Will Be Kids. Children are dying, and this movie tells the truth we don’t want to hear, but must hear.
Lily Eskelsen's picture

It's Not a "Mommy War," It's a War on Moms

April 14, 2012
There is no question that Hilary Rosen should have chosen her words more carefully when she said that Ann Romney, mother of five sons, " never worked a day in her life ." Raising children is work. It's immensely rewarding work, but it's work just the same. Ann Romney is justifiably proud of the...
Kristin's picture

On Ann Romney and the “War on Moms”

April 14, 2012
There is no question that Hilary Rosen should have chosen her words more carefully when she said that Ann Romney “never worked a day in her life.” As an organization representing moms of all political persuasions across the country and run by moms, we at MomsRising know well that raising children...
Kristin's picture

Free Parenting Education Webinar featuring I-LABS

March 21, 2012
On April 10, please join the UW’s Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences (I-LABS) and the Washington State University (WSU) Parenting Education Series for a webinar on Early Bilingual Experience and its Relationship to Language and Cognitive Developmen t by outreach specialist Gina Lebedeva, Ph...
Hannah Lidman's picture

I'm taking a Tech Detox for My 3-year-old

March 21, 2012
Take a Tech Detox for the Kids I am taking the pledge to unplug for the National Day of Unplugging for my 3-year-old. I already see how much my use of technology has impacted him. He walks around the house saying, “Where’s my iPhone? I have a call in a minute.” And he has two (fake)...
Tanya Schevitz's picture

Fulfilling the Clean Air Act Promise to Our Children

March 16, 2012
Portland, Oregon has been celebrated as one of the leading green cities in America. Due to land use planning aimed at limiting sprawl, transportation infrastructure that has prioritized public transit over single occupancy vehicles, and a populace both home grown and those who have migrated here,...
Mary Peveto's picture

Sending Off My Nervous Baby Into the World – of Standardized Testing

March 13, 2012
I’m mad this morning. My eight-year old (8!, yes, just 8! in third grade!) is a nervous wreck. Today is the first day of PSSA (Pennsylvania System of School Assessment, or Pissed Students Seriously Anxious?!) Standardized testing at her school. They’ve been prepping for weeks (or is it months?) to...
Homa Tavangar's picture

Momma grizzlies: Rise up on International Women's Day!

March 9, 2012
Mothers are considered to be among the most revered members of our society. Celebrities publicly thank their moms for helping them to achieve their dreams. Politicians wax poetic about valuable childhood lessons bestowed upon them by their mothers. Even female politicians talk about how their...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Kids in high-poverty communities: 5 ways it affects us all

March 8, 2012
Success should be in the grasp of all children, no matter where they live. However, the opportunities available to children based on their neighborhood vary dramatically across the United States. For the 8 million U.S. children living in high-poverty neighborhoods critical resources for their...
Laura Speer's picture
