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Michelle Obama is arguably the most visible mother in America. She professed on the campaign trail that her children are the last thing she thinks about before bed and the first thing she thinks about when she wakes up in the morning. How many mothers can relate to that?
This morning the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, with MomsRising and other partner organizations across the country, released a new report called "No More Toxic Tub: Getting Contaminants Out of Children’s Bath and Personal Care Products” .
Let's get those lifesavers out of storage!
Anita's picture
Cross-posted at MotherTalkers . I am sorry for all the depressing news lately. But I can't escape it.
Elisa Batista's picture
UPDATE: The Department of Justice just announced that they are starting an investigation into the unfair practices of Sheriff Arpaio in Arizona.
Kristin's picture
Lisa Pagan, a former active duty member of the Army and mother of two toddlers, was called up from the "ready reserves" to report for duty this week for possible deployment to Iraq. She told the Army that she had no one to care for her small children if she was sent overseas because of her husband's travel work schedule.
PunditMom's picture
There’s no question among health experts that breastfeeding is best for babies. It’s common knowledge that breastfeeding not only provides optimal nourishment for infants, but also protects them against infectious diseases, dehydration due to diarrhea, chronic diseases, obesity, and Sudden Infant...
For the second time in as many years, peanut butter contaminated with deadly salmonella has been recalled. Even my pre-kindergartener could tell something was wrong—after her favorite peanut butter sandwiches were temporarily pulled from her lunch box.
Ariana Kelly's picture
There’s no question among health experts that breastfeeding is best for babies.
Thanks to your amazing and sustained effort, Congress and President Obama have thrown a lifeline to children who need healthcare! Our national leaders have made healthcare for families a top priority during this time of economic crisis by passing several pieces of legislation that give states the additional money they need to cover more kids. They've thrown our kids a lifesaver, quite literally.
Donna's picture
