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Politics & Policy

Color of Change Calls Out Appalling 'Psychology Today' Article

May 23, 2011
We just heard about this appalling article in Psychology Today from our friends at Gabriel (on their staff) gave us the go-ahead to share their email about this. Here’s what the ColorOfChange team writes: ************** Nearly 20 years after a black parent documented how hard it...
Mary O's picture

Gay Marriage a Boon to DC’s Economy

March 12, 2011
Cross posted from IWPR A year ago today, the District of Columbia legalized same-sex marriage, and according to the Washington Post , the number of marriages soared from 3,100 in the year prior to 6,600 in the year since. According to a court representative, the number of marriages usually varies...
Robert Drago's picture

UPDATE: Mother of the Decade Video has MOMentum!

May 8, 2010
MomsRising's Mother of the Decade video has now been sent to over a million folks and has received many hundreds of thousands of views. Our blog carnival currently features blog post after blog post with the video: Mother's Day...
Anita's picture
