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Paid Sick Days

Working Parents Need Protections Now

March 5, 2012
Ever wonder what happens to a worker who becomes disabled for weeks from injuries in a car accident? Or the worker who has a baby but no maternity leave? Or the worker whose parent, suffering from Alzheimer's, falls and hits his head and can no longer live alone? Here's what happens, and neither...
Ann OLeary's picture

7 Health Benefits Your Wellness Program Doesn't Have

March 5, 2012
Does your office have a gym? Do you have group exercise classes, weigh-ins, nutrition experts, and incentive programs for staying healthy? Wellness programs are a hot topic right now. Naturally, with out-of-control health care and insurance costs, companies are looking for ways to save money and...
Jody Thompson's picture

#BeTheHelp on Oscar Night

February 23, 2012
Photo: Mimi Ho, member of Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Association, with her children, her friend's child and their nanny, Xiao Ying, who cares for them. Like the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving, Oscar night is a night of American togetherness. On February 26, we'll all be serving up...

“Still Sick in the City”: NYC Report Shows Urgency for Paid Sick Days

February 15, 2012
New York may be known for sex in the city, but Nancy Rankin at the Community Service Society of NY (CSSNY) has written a compelling report on a seamier topic: the unacceptably high percentages of New Yorkers without paid sick days, and the consequences for workers, their families, and for the...
Ellen Bravo's picture

The State of the States is...Masculine: Women Urgently Needed in State Legislatures!

February 8, 2012
With presidential primaries in full swing, each state stands to enjoy a moment in the spotlight. As riveting as the recent political theatrics have been, the campaign season also underscores just how many important decisions are made at the state level. From education to health care to workplace...
Miriam Feffer's picture

MomsRising is Live Tweeting the State of the Union. Join Us!

January 25, 2012
Great news! MomsRising got invited to tweet at the White House during tonight's State of the Union speech by the President! And I'll be there representing us. We'll be keeping our ears open for the issues that matter every day to families, like health care coverage, unemployment insurance, fair pay...
Monifa Bandele's picture

Your urgent action needed in Mass!

December 14, 2011
Guess what? Right now state legislators are meeting in Boston to determine their legislative priorities for the New Year. That makes right now the perfect time to send your state legislators a quick note urging them to resolve to pass the Mass paid sick days bill in 2012! http://action.momsrising...
Ruth Martin's picture

Lack of Paid Sick Days Has Claimed Latino Lives

December 10, 2011
Para este artículo en español, haga clic aquí . If there is something I pride myself on it is my work ethic. The importance of hard work is something that was instilled in me by my parents who sometimes worked multiple jobs each to feed our family of six. In college, I, too, worked three jobs to...
Elisa Batista's picture

La falta de días de enfermedad pagados se ha cobrado vidas en la comunidad latina

December 10, 2011
For this article in English, click here . Si hay algo de lo que estoy orgullosa es de mi ética laboral. La importancia del trabajo duro es algo que aprendí de mis padres que, en ocasiones, tenían varios trabajos cada uno para poder alimentar a nuestra familia de seis personas. En la universidad, yo...
Elisa Batista's picture

Paid Sick Days: Healthier Families, More Than $1 Billion in Savings

November 18, 2011
By Vicki Shabo, Director of Work and Family Programs, National Partnership for Women & Families Health reform has underscored the imperative to increase access to health care, improve quality and reduce costs. According to a thought-provoking new report released by the Institute for Women’s...
National Partnership for Women and Families's picture
