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Gun Safety

No "Guns Everywhere" for Michigan After Kalamazoo

February 22, 2016
Guns do NOT belong everywhere! Write Michigan lawmakers and tell them to protect our communities.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

#Radio This Week: Get in #Formation!

February 16, 2016
The radio show this week covers Beyonce, #BlackLivesMatter, and what pop culture does/doesn't do to move us forward; hears the inside scoop on the Presidential election from the Granite State; discusses the power of humor, red pumps and of using pop culture for change; and finds out why people are...
Kristin's picture


January 7, 2016
President Obama is right to do what he can to stop gun violence, and we should all press Congress to do its part.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Moms Meetups coming your way in 2016!

January 6, 2016
It’s the New Year and we've got a new experiment we'd like to do with you (yes, you!). We've had a ton of requests recently to have a way for our members to gather together in-person, offline, in a regular way to talk about important current topics and hang out with other cool, secret superhero...
Nina Perez's picture

VICTORY! Nation Moves Forward on Gun Safety with POTUS Executive Action

January 5, 2016
Gun violence is a crisis in our country. That crisis has reached a fever pitch with almost as many mass shootings last year as there were days in the year. In fact, there have been more than 100,000 deaths as a result of gun violence in the last decade. This cannot go on. Mothers and fathers,...
Kristin's picture
Take Action!

BIG, BIG NEWS! White House gives us stronger background checks!

January 5, 2016
President Obama just took Executive Action to shrink the loophole in background checks for gun sales today! And you helped this happen! You (yes, YOU!) signed letters to Congress, clicked on petitions, shared your experiences, visited elected leaders, shared links on social media, made calls and...
Gloria Pan's picture

Moms vs. The NRA: The Force Awakens!

December 27, 2015
An American child dies by a gun every other day. Every. Other. Day. The only thing that will break the stranglehold that the corporate gun lobby has on our lawmakers is US – you, me, and every mom and dad out there who cares AND who takes action.
BethM's picture
Celebrate Wins!

Wow, You Did All THAT in 2015? MomsRising WINS!

December 17, 2015
Sometimes it’s hard to see the many ways that small actions like signing a petition, sharing your personal experience, making a call, attending a local meeting, or playing a MomsVote debate game on social media add up over time and make a big difference. They do. Because we are MomsRising together...
Kristin's picture

#Radio This Week: #Enough

December 8, 2015
For your podcast list: Breaking Through with me, Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner! It's fun, feisty, and relevant for moms and families. Our weekly podcast is ‪#‎free‬ for all on iTunes : ON THIS WEEK'S SHOW: The San Bernardino shooting and...
Kristin's picture

To Be a White Ally

December 8, 2015
I'm remembering how Sandra Bland, an African American woman in her late twenties, was pulled over by Trooper Brian Encinia, a white police officer, for not signaling a lane change. Some facts are clear: Sandra was less than a mile from the Prairie View A&M University, her alma mater where she...
Christine Stone's picture
